A System to Discover Correlations within a Biological Pathway between the Expression Levels of Genes.
Li-Ching WuCheng-Wei ChangTsung-Ming ChaoRong-Hwei YehJorng-Tzong HorngPublished in: BIBE (2011)
- regulatory networks
- gene sets
- expression profiles
- gene expression levels
- gene expression
- microarray data
- selected genes
- microarray
- gene expression data
- metabolic pathways
- biological information
- signaling pathways
- systems biology
- biological data
- gene expression profiles
- biological processes
- gene expression analysis
- gene selection
- gene ontology
- biologically meaningful
- gene networks
- protein protein interactions
- gene regulation
- gene regulatory networks
- drosophila melanogaster
- dna microarray
- saccharomyces cerevisiae
- biological systems
- signal transduction
- gene function
- gene expression patterns
- microarray data analysis
- biomedical literature
- binding sites
- data sets
- biologically relevant
- computational biology
- signal transduction pathways
- differential expression
- transcriptional regulatory
- cell cycle
- high throughput
- sequence data
- molecular biology
- microarray datasets
- biological networks
- transcription factors
- gene products
- feature selection
- microarray expression data
- biological entities
- public databases
- cellular processes
- genomic data
- mathematical modeling
- escherichia coli
- comparative genomics
- protein interaction
- statistical significance
- functional properties
- highly correlated
- cancer classification
- gene ontology terms
- protein protein interaction networks
- biclustering algorithms