The NYU System for the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection.
Katharina KannStanislas LaulyKyunghyun ChoPublished in: CoNLL Shared Task (1) (2018)
- coreference resolution
- semantic role labeling
- named entity recognition
- syntactic dependencies
- semantic dependencies
- test set
- multiscale
- information extraction
- natural language processing
- mathematical morphology
- dependency parsing
- relation extraction
- natural language learning
- image processing
- noun phrases
- structuring elements
- named entities
- maximum entropy
- syntactic and semantic dependency parsing
- syntactic and semantic dependencies
- neural network
- question answering
- morphological filters
- computational model
- semantic roles
- object detection
- morphological features
- input image
- pairwise
- computer vision