Security, Privacy, and Usability in Continuous Authentication: A Survey.
Ahmed Fraz BaigSigurd EskelandPublished in: Sensors (2021)
- security mechanisms
- security issues
- authentication protocol
- identity management
- electronic payment
- security services
- biometric template
- security requirements
- security concerns
- security analysis
- mutual authentication
- access control
- smart card
- security properties
- statistical databases
- fuzzy vault
- sensitive data
- information security
- security measures
- data encryption
- authentication mechanism
- user authentication
- security systems
- biometric authentication
- security threats
- rfid systems
- identity authentication
- trusted third party
- data security
- integrity verification
- personal information
- personal data
- authentication scheme
- privacy protection
- resource constrained
- biometric data
- security risks
- encryption decryption
- privacy issues
- security protocols
- privacy enhancing
- security and privacy issues
- data privacy
- authentication systems
- preserving privacy
- privacy preserving
- key agreement
- virtual private network
- security policies
- digital signature
- cloud computing
- factor authentication
- secure multiparty computation
- privacy concerns
- public key
- confidential information
- elliptic curve cryptography
- privacy requirements
- sensitive information
- intrusion detection
- public key infrastructure
- public key cryptography
- trust relationships
- private key
- privacy preserving data mining
- protection scheme
- trust negotiation
- information loss
- data confidentiality