Linked Data: Storing, Querying, and Reasoning. Sakr, Sherif, Wylot, Marcin, Mutharaju, Raghava, Le Phuoc, Danh, and Fundulaki, Irini. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 233 pp. $129.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 9783319735146).
Dean AllemangPublished in: J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol. (2019)
- linked data
- open data
- rdf data
- computer science
- semantic web
- linked open data
- storage and retrieval
- data sources
- data integration
- semantic data
- open government data
- databases
- rdf graphs
- structured information
- knowledge representation
- structured data
- query language
- query processing
- data publishing
- knowledge base
- mashup
- sparql queries
- semantic search
- open innovation
- world wide