Facilitating DL-based hybrid reasoning with inference fusion.
Bo HuInés AranaErnesto CompatangeloPublished in: Knowl. Based Syst. (2003)
- knowledge representation languages
- description logics
- deductive reasoning
- inference engine
- knowledge base
- expressive description logics
- inference process
- probabilistic reasoning
- computational properties
- abductive inference
- reasoning problems
- reasoning tasks
- evidential reasoning
- representing knowledge
- plausible reasoning
- reasoning systems
- logical inference
- expressive power
- ontological reasoning
- knowledge representation
- consistency checking
- backward chaining
- knowledge representation and reasoning
- hypothetical reasoning
- vague concepts
- nonmonotonic inference
- multi sensor
- fuzzy description logics
- expert systems
- bayesian inference
- knowledge representation formalisms
- bayesian networks
- owl dl
- information fusion
- causal reasoning
- case based reasoning
- legal reasoning
- reasoning process
- automated reasoning
- qualitative reasoning
- spatial reasoning
- image fusion
- inference mechanism
- fuzzy logic
- probabilistic logic
- possibilistic networks
- digital libraries
- nonmonotonic reasoning
- data fusion
- belief networks