- Taekyun Kim
- Dae San Kim
- Toufik Mansour
- Irena Orovic
- Qiang Wang
- Milos Brajovic
- Boris Escalante-Ramírez
- Jiang Zeng
- Joachim von zur Gathen
- Emanuele Viola
- Jing Yang
- Feng Ming Dong
- Dmitry V. Dolgy
- Srikanth Srinivasan
- Jason I. Brown
- Serkan Araci
- Swastik Kopparty
- Xavier Caruso
- Amir Shpilka
- Dimitar K. Dimitrov
- Gary L. Mullen
- Tor Helleseth
- Kerstin Jordaan
- Bayram Çekim
- Cunsheng Ding
- Pingzhi Yuan
- Igor E. Shparlinski
- Walter Gautschi
- Cheon Seoung Ryoo
- Srdjan Stankovic
- Karl Dilcher
- Victor Magron
- Seog-Hoon Rim
- Dennis Stanton
- Alexander A. Sherstov
- Shachar Lovett
- Trung Hieu Vu
- Xiang-dong Hou
- Tristan Vaccon
- CoRR
- Discret. Math.
- Finite Fields Their Appl.
- J. Approx. Theory
- J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A
- Electron. J. Comb.
- Adv. Appl. Math.
- Appl. Math. Comput.
- Eur. J. Comb.
- Symmetry
- Am. Math. Mon.
- Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex.
- Math. Comput.
- J. Symb. Comput.
- IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
- Ars Comb.
- Integers
- Numer. Algorithms
- J. Comput. Appl. Math.
- J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B
- Period. Math. Hung.
- Des. Codes Cryptogr.
- Appl. Math. Lett.
- Exp. Math.
- Discret. Appl. Math.
- Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput.
- Graphs Comb.
- Comput. Math. Appl.
- Axioms
- IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- Theor. Comput. Sci.
- Int. J. Algebra Comput.
- IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
- Discret. Comput. Geom.
- Comput. Aided Geom. Des.
- Australas. J Comb.
- ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra
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