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Yun Ai
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 34
Top Topics
Fading Channels
Rayleigh Fading
Communication Systems
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Commun. Lett.
VTC Spring
Yun Ai
Thomas Hummel
Haoyu Nie
Juan Yang
Pengfei Han
Reduced neural responses to pleasant odor stimuli after acute psychological stress is associated with cortisol reactivity.
284 (2023)
Gyan Deep Verma
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Mixed Dual-Hop IRS-Assisted FSO-RF Communication System With H-ARQ Protocols.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
26 (2) (2022)
Gyan Deep Verma
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Mixed Dual-Hop IRS-Assisted FSO-RF Communication System with H-ARQ Protocols.
Yun Ai
Aashish Mathur
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Secure Outage Analysis of FSO Communications Over Arbitrarily Correlated Málaga Turbulence Channels.
Long Kong
Yun Ai
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
Effective Rate Evaluation of RIS-Assisted Communications Using the Sums of Cascaded α-μ Random Variates.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Gyan Deep Verma
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Secrecy performance of FSO communication systems with non-zero boresight pointing errors.
IET Commun.
15 (1) (2021)
Fredrik Ege Abrahamsen
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Communication Technologies for Smart Grid: A Comprehensive Survey.
21 (23) (2021)
Yun Ai
Felipe A. P. de Figueiredo
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
Secure Vehicular Communications Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
70 (7) (2021)
Long Kong
Yun Ai
Lei Lei
Georges Kaddoum
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
An overview of generic tools for information-theoretic secrecy performance analysis over wiretap fading channels.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2021 (1) (2021)
Yun Ai
Aashish Mathur
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Secure Outage Analysis of FSO Communications Over Arbitrarily Correlated Málaga Turbulence Channels.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
70 (4) (2021)
Yun Ai
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
On Performance Characterization of Cascaded Multiwire-PLC/MIMO-RF Communication System.
Felipe A. P. de Figueiredo
Michelle S. P. Facina
Ricardo Coelho Ferreira
Yun Ai
Rukhsana Ruby
Quoc-Viet Pham
Gustavo Fraidenraich
Large Intelligent Surfaces With Discrete Set of Phase-Shifts Communicating Through Double-Rayleigh Fading Channels.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Long Kong
Jiguang He
Yun Ai
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
Channel Modeling and Analysis of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Assisted Vehicular Networks.
ICC Workshops
Long Kong
Jiguang He
Yun Ai
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
Effective Rate Evaluation with Assistance of Mixture Gamma (MG), Mixture of Gaussian (MoG), and Fox's H-Function Distributions.
VTC Spring
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Manav R. Bhatnagar
Performance of Hybrid ARQ over Power Line Communications Channels.
VTC Spring
Yun Ai
Marshed Mohamed
Long Kong
A. Al-Samen
Michael Cheffena
On Hybrid-ARQ-Based Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Communication System.
Long Kong
Yun Ai
Lei Lei
Georges Kaddoum
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
An Overview of Generic Tools for Information-Theoretic Secrecy Performance Analysis over Wiretap Fading Channels.
Marshed Mohamed
Michael Cheffena
Yun Ai
Ahmed Al-Saman
Buffer Delay Improvement in Gait-Cycle-Driven Transmission Power Control Scheme for WBAN.
Yun Ai
Aashish Mathur
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Effective Throughput Analysis of α-η-κ-μ Fading Channels.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Ahmed Mohammed Al-Samman
Marshed Mohamed
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Marwan Hadri Azmi
Tharek Abdul Rahman
Rain Attenuation Measurements and Analysis at 73 GHz E-Band Link in Tropical Region.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
24 (7) (2020)
Ahmed Mohammed Al-Samman
Michael Cheffena
Marshed Mohamed
Marwan Hadri Azmi
Yun Ai
Statistical Analysis of Rain at Millimeter Waves in Tropical Area.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Yun Ai
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
On Performance Characterization of Cascaded Multiwire-PLC/MIMO-RF Communication System.
Yun Ai
Long Kong
Michael Cheffena
Symeon Chatzinotas
Björn E. Ottersten
Secure Vehicular Communications through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces.
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Georges Kaddoum
Secrecy Performance of Correlated $\alpha$ - $\mu$ Fading Channels.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
23 (8) (2019)
Long Kong
Yun Ai
Jiguang He
Nandana Rajatheva
Georges Kaddoum
Intercept Probability Analysis over the Cascaded Fisher-Snedecor ℱ Fading Wiretap Channels.
Aashish Mathur
Yun Ai
Manav R. Bhatnagar
Michael Cheffena
Tomoaki Ohtsuki
On Physical Layer Security of α-η-κ-μ Fading Channels.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
22 (10) (2018)
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Aashish Mathur
Hongjiang Lei
On Physical Layer Security of Double Rayleigh Fading Channels for Vehicular Communications.
IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett.
7 (6) (2018)
Aashish Mathur
Manav R. Bhatnagar
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Performance Analysis of a Dual-Hop Wireless-Power Line Mixed Cooperative System.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Yun Ai
Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Michael Cheffena
Performance Analysis of PLC over Fading Channels with Colored Nakagami-m Background Noise.
VTC Spring
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Performance Analysis of Hybrid-ARQ over Full-Duplex Relaying Network Subject to Loop Interference under Nakagami-m Fading Channels.
VTC Spring
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
On Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relaying for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks.
17 (4) (2017)
Yun Ai
Manav R. Bhatnagar
Michael Cheffena
Aashish Mathur
Artem A. Sedakov
Game-Theoretical Analysis of PLC System Performance in the Presence of Jamming Attacks.
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Performance Analysis of Hybrid-ARQ with Chase Combining over Cooperative Relay Network with Asymmetric Fading Channels.
VTC Fall
Yun Ai
Michael Cheffena
Capacity Analysis of PLC over Rayleigh Fading Channels with Colored Nakagami-m Additive Noise.
VTC Fall
Yun Ai
Bjørn Olav Hogstad
Michael Cheffena
Matthias Pätzold
Geometry-based modeling of wideband industrial indoor radio propagation channels.
Yong Wang
Liu Yang
Yun Ai
Hui Li
Yueyu Zhang
Fengrong Li
Interference management strategy for multiuser two-way relay networks.
Int. J. Embed. Syst.
5 (3) (2013)
Yong Wang
Liu Yang
Yun Ai
Hui Li
Weidong Zhang
Joint Signal Space Alignment and Precoding in Two-Way Relay Multi-user Networks.