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Xiwu Zhan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2024
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Soil Moisture
United States
Weather Forecasts
E Learning
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
Yu Li
Donglian Sun
Xiwu Zhan
Paul Houser
Chaowei Yang
John J. Qu
Downscaling Land Surface Temperature Derived from Microwave Observations with the Super-Resolution Reconstruction Method: A Case Study in the CONUS.
Remote. Sens.
16 (5) (2024)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Michael Barlage
Jicheng Liu
Huan Meng
Ralph R. Ferraro
Refinement of NOAA AMSR-2 Soil Moisture Data Product: 1. Intercomparisons of the Commonly Used Machine-Learning Models.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
61 (2023)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Michael Barlage
Jicheng Liu
Huan Meng
Ralph R. Ferraro
Refinement of NOAA AMSR-2 Soil Moisture Data Product - Part 2: Development With the Optimal Machine Learning Model.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
61 (2023)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Jicheng Liu
Ralph R. Ferraro
A New Method for Generating the SMOPS Blended Satellite Soil Moisture Data Product without Relying on a Model Climatology.
Remote. Sens.
14 (7) (2022)
Khaldoun Rishmawi
Chengquan Huang
Karen Schleeweis
Xiwu Zhan
Integration of VIIRS Observations with GEDI-Lidar Measurements to Monitor Forest Structure Dynamics from 2013 to 2020 across the Conterminous United States.
Remote. Sens.
14 (10) (2022)
Li Fang
Xiwu Zhan
Satya Kalluri
Peng Yu
Christopher Hain
Martha C. Anderson
Istvan Laszlo
Application of a Machine Learning Algorithm in Generating an Evapotranspiration Data Product From Coupled Thermal Infrared and Microwave Satellite Observations.
Frontiers Big Data
5 (2022)
Khaldoun Rishmawi
Chengquan Huang
Xiwu Zhan
Monitoring Key Forest Structure Attributes across the Conterminous United States by Integrating GEDI LiDAR Measurements and VIIRS Data.
Remote. Sens.
13 (3) (2021)
Li Fang
Xiwu Zhan
Mitchell Schull
Satya Kalluri
Christopher Hain
Martha C. Anderson
Istvan Laszlo
All-Weather Daily Evapotranspiration Data Product Based on Microwave and Thermal Infrared Satellite Observations.
Douglas Miller
John Forsythe
Sheldon Kusselson
William Straka III
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Ralph Ferraro
A Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part I; Societal Impacts, Synoptic Overview, and Historical Context.
Remote. Sens.
13 (13) (2021)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Jicheng Liu
NOAA Satellite Soil Moisture Operational Product System (SMOPS) Version 3.0 Generates Higher Accuracy Blended Satellite Soil Moisture.
Remote. Sens.
12 (17) (2020)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Scale Impact of Soil Moisture Observations to Noah-MP Land Surface Model Simulations.
Remote. Sens.
12 (7) (2020)
Chengquan Huang
Rui Zhang
Xiwu Zhan
Ivan Csiszar
Derivation Of Global Surface Type Products From VIIRS.
Donglian Sun
Yu Li
Xiwu Zhan
Paul R. Houser
Chaowei Yang
Long Chiu
Ruixin Yang
Land Surface Temperature Derivation under All Sky Conditions through Integrating AMSR-E/AMSR-2 and MODIS/GOES Observations.
Remote. Sens.
11 (14) (2019)
Li Fang
Xiwu Zhan
Mitchell Schull
Satya Kalluri
Istvan Laszlo
Peng Yu
Corinne Minette Carter
Christopher Hain
Martha C. Anderson
Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upgraded for GOES-16 ABI Observations.
Remote. Sens.
11 (22) (2019)
Rui Zhang
Chengquan Huang
Xiwu Zhan
Huiran Jin
Xiao-Peng Song
Development of S-NPP VIIRS global surface type classification map using support vector machines.
Int. J. Digit. Earth
11 (2) (2018)
Li Fang
Xiwu Zhan
Christopher R. Hain
Jifu Yin
Jicheng Liu
Mitchell A. Schull
An Assessment of the Impact of Land Thermal Infrared Observation on Regional Weather Forecasts Using Two Different Data Assimilation Approaches.
Remote. Sens.
10 (4) (2018)
Jifu Yin
Xiwu Zhan
Impact of Bias-Correction Methods on Effectiveness of Assimilating SMAP Soil Moisture Data into NCEP Global Forecast System Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
15 (5) (2018)
Xiwu Zhan
Li Fang
Jicheng Liu
Christopher Hain
Jifu Yin
Mitchell Schull
Michael H. Cosh
Jun Wen
Tarendra Lakhankar
Kun Yang
Jeffrey P. Walker
Fusing microwave and optical satellite observations for high resolution soil moisture data products.
Xiwu Zhan
Rui Zhang
Panshi Wang
Chengquan Huang
Ivan Csiszar
Lihang Zhou
Fuzhong Weng
Monitoring surface type changes with S-NPP/JPSS VIIRS observations.
Jicheng Liu
Xiwu Zhan
Christopher Hain
Jifu Yin
Li Fang
Zhengpeng Li
Limin Zhao
NOaa Soil Moisture Operational Product System (SMOPS) and its validations.
Xiwu Zhan
Jicheng Liu
Jun Wen
Limin Zhao
Marco Vargas
Fuzhong Weng
Soil Moisture data product generated from NASA SMAP observations with NOAA ancillary data.
Li Fang
Christopher Hain
Xiwu Zhan
Martha C. Anderson
An inter-comparison of soil moisture data products from satellite remote sensing and a land surface model.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
48 (2016)
Xiwu Zhan
Weizhong Zheng
Li Fang
Jicheng Liu
Christopher Hain
Jifu Yin
Michael Ek
A preliminary assessment of the impact of SMAP Soil Moisture on numerical weather Forecasts from GFS and NUWRF models.
John D. Bolten
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
Thomas J. Jackson
Curt Reynolds
Evaluating the Utility of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Retrievals for Operational Agricultural Drought Monitoring.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
3 (1) (2010)
Xiwu Zhan
Martha C. Anderson
Jicheng Liu
Merging thermal and microwave satellite observations for a high-resolution soil moisture data product.
John D. Bolten
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
Thomas J. Jackson
Curt Reynolds
Evaluation of a Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System over West Africa.
Xiwu Zhan
Wade T. Crow
Thomas J. Jackson
Peggy E. O'Neill
Improving Spaceborne Radiometer Soil Moisture Retrievals With Alternative Aggregation Rules for Ancillary Parameters in Highly Heterogeneous Vegetated Areas.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
5 (2) (2008)
Changyong Cao
Stephen G. Ungar
Pascal Lecomte
Nigel P. Fox
Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong
Patrice Henry
Christopher Buck
Greg Stenssas
Xiwu Zhan
Petya K. E. Campbell
Toward Consistent Satellite Calibration and Validation for GEOSS Interoperability.
John D. Bolten
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
Thomas J. Jackson
Curt Reynolds
Integration of Satellite-Retrieved Soil Moisture Observations with a Global Two-Layer Soil Moisture Model.
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
Continental-Scale Evaluation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
4 (3) (2007)
Xiwu Zhan
Thomas J. Jackson
Wade T. Crow
Impact of Aggregation Rules of Ancillary Parameters on Soil Moisture Retrievals from Space-borne Microwave Radiometer Observations.
Xiwu Zhan
Paul R. Houser
Jeffrey P. Walker
Wade T. Crow
A method for retrieving high-resolution surface soil moisture from hydros L-band radiometer and Radar observations.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
44 (6) (2006)
John D. Bolten
Wade T. Crow
Xiwu Zhan
Thomas J. Jackson
Curt Reynolds
B. Doom
The Application of AMSR-E Soil Moisture for Improved Global Agricultural Assessment and Forecasting.
Thomas J. Jackson
Michael H. Cosh
Xiwu Zhan
David D. Bosch
Mark S. Seyfried
Patrick J. Starks
T. Keefer
Venkat Lakshmi
Validation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Products Using Watershed Networks.
Wade T. Crow
Steven Tsz K. Chan
Dara Entekhabi
Paul R. Houser
Ann Y. Hsu
Thomas J. Jackson
Eni G. Njoku
Peggy O'Neill
Jiancheng Shi
Xiwu Zhan
An observing system simulation experiment for hydros radiometer-only soil moisture products.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
43 (6) (2005)