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Winfrid G. Schneeweiß
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1981-1990
Publications (10 Years): 0
Winfrid G. Schneeweiß
Schaltwerke oder Petrinetze zur Darstellung reparierbarer Systeme? / Sequential Circuits or Petri Nets for the Representation of Repairable Systems?
it Inf. Technol.
32 (4) (1990)
Winfrid G. Schneeweiß
Jürgen Dunkel
Der geplättete Mikrorechner-Würfel mit Fehlertoleranz / The planarized micro-computer cube with fault tolerance.
it Inf. Technol.
30 (1) (1988)
Winfrid G. Schneeweiß
On the number of defective system's components or erroneous bits in binary coding.
Z. Oper. Research
25 (2) (1981)