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Weiyi Zheng
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2022
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Speech Recognition
Pwm Rectifier
Power Quality
Domain Adaptation
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
Suyoun Kim
Duc Le
Weiyi Zheng
Tarun Singh
Abhinav Arora
Xiaoyu Zhai
Christian Fuegen
Ozlem Kalinli
Michael L. Seltzer
Evaluating User Perception of Speech Recognition System Quality with Semantic Distance Metric.
Xuegeng Sun
Yuan Fu
Weiyi Zheng
Yanxia Huang
Yuqi Li
Big Educational Data Analytics, Prediction and Recommendation: A Survey.
J. Circuits Syst. Comput.
31 (9) (2022)
Junteng Jia
Jay Mahadeokar
Weiyi Zheng
Yuan Shangguan
Ozlem Kalinli
Frank Seide
Federated Domain Adaptation for ASR with Full Self-Supervision.
Junteng Jia
Jay Mahadeokar
Weiyi Zheng
Yuan Shangguan
Ozlem Kalinli
Frank Seide
Federated Domain Adaptation for ASR with Full Self-Supervision.
Weiyi Zheng
Alex Xiao
Gil Keren
Duc Le
Frank Zhang
Christian Fuegen
Ozlem Kalinli
Yatharth Saraf
Abdelrahman Mohamed
Scaling ASR Improves Zero and Few Shot Learning.
Suyoun Kim
Duc Le
Weiyi Zheng
Tarun Singh
Abhinav Arora
Xiaoyu Zhai
Christian Fuegen
Ozlem Kalinli
Michael L. Seltzer
Evaluating User Perception of Speech Recognition System Quality with Semantic Distance Metric.
Alex Xiao
Weiyi Zheng
Gil Keren
Duc Le
Frank Zhang
Christian Fuegen
Ozlem Kalinli
Yatharth Saraf
Abdelrahman Mohamed
Scaling ASR Improves Zero and Few Shot Learning.
Yang Gao
Weiyi Zheng
Zhaojun Yang
Thilo Köhler
Christian Fuegen
Qing He
Interactive Text-to-Speech via Semi-supervised Style Transfer Learning.
Yang Gao
Weiyi Zheng
Zhaojun Yang
Thilo Köhler
Christian Fuegen
Qing He
Interactive Text-to-Speech System via Joint Style Analysis.
Jacob Kahn
Morgane Rivière
Weiyi Zheng
Evgeny Kharitonov
Qiantong Xu
Pierre-Emmanuel Mazaré
Julien Karadayi
Vitaliy Liptchinsky
Ronan Collobert
Christian Fuegen
Tatiana Likhomanenko
Gabriel Synnaeve
Armand Joulin
Abdelrahman Mohamed
Emmanuel Dupoux
Libri-Light: A Benchmark for ASR with Limited or No Supervision.
Duc Le
Xiaohui Zhang
Weiyi Zheng
Christian Fügen
Geoffrey Zweig
Michael L. Seltzer
From Senones to Chenones: Tied Context-Dependent Graphemes for Hybrid Speech Recognition.
Jacob Kahn
Morgane Rivière
Weiyi Zheng
Evgeny Kharitonov
Qiantong Xu
Pierre-Emmanuel Mazaré
Julien Karadayi
Vitaliy Liptchinsky
Ronan Collobert
Christian Fuegen
Tatiana Likhomanenko
Gabriel Synnaeve
Armand Joulin
Abdelrahman Mohamed
Emmanuel Dupoux
Libri-Light: A Benchmark for ASR with Limited or No Supervision.
Duc Le
Xiaohui Zhang
Weiyi Zheng
Christian Fügen
Geoffrey Zweig
Michael L. Seltzer
From Senones to Chenones: Tied Context-Dependent Graphemes for Hybrid Speech Recognition.
Zhiyong Zeng
Weiyi Zheng
Rongxiang Zhao
Chong Zhu
Qingwei Yuan
The Comprehensive Design and Optimization of the Post-Fault Grid-Connected Three-Phase PWM Rectifier.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (3) (2016)
Zhiyong Zeng
Weiyi Zheng
Rongxiang Zhao
Space-Vector-Based Hybrid PWM Strategy for Reduced DC-Link Capacitor Current Stress in the Postfault Grid-Connected Three-Phase Rectifier.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (8) (2016)
Weiyi Zheng
Chong Zhu
Zhiyong Zeng
Qingwei Yuan
Huan Yang
Rongxiang Zhao
An optimized algorithm for SVPWM based on three-phase stationary frame.
Zhiyong Zeng
Chong Zhu
Qingwei Yuan
Weiyi Zheng
Rongxiang Zhao
Modeling, control and modulation strategy of a three-phase four-switch PWM voltage-source rectifier based on novel non-orthogonal coordinate.