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Vernon Austel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1991-2024
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Blue Gene
Theorem Prover
Fine Grained
Nonlinear Optimization
Top Venues
ACL (1)
ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
Kinjal Basu
Ibrahim Abdelaziz
Subhajit Chaudhury
Soham Dan
Maxwell Crouse
Asim Munawar
Vernon Austel
Sadhana Kumaravel
Vinod Muthusamy
Pavan Kapanipathi
Luis A. Lastras
API-BLEND: A Comprehensive Corpora for Training and Benchmarking API LLMs.
ACL (1)
Ibrahim Abdelaziz
Maxwell Crouse
Bassem Makni
Vernon Austel
Cristina Cornelio
Shajith Ikbal
Pavan Kapanipathi
Ndivhuwo Makondo
Kavitha Srinivas
Michael Witbrock
Achille Fokoue
Learning to Guide a Saturation-Based Theorem Prover.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.
45 (1) (2023)
Cristina Cornelio
Sanjeeb Dash
Vernon Austel
Tyler R. Josephson
Joao Goncalves
Kenneth L. Clarkson
Nimrod Megiddo
Bachir El Khadir
Lior Horesh
Integration of Data and Theory for Accelerated Derivable Symbolic Discovery.
Vernon Austel
Cristina Cornelio
Sanjeeb Dash
Joao Goncalves
Lior Horesh
Tyler R. Josephson
Nimrod Megiddo
Symbolic Regression using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization.
I-Hsin Chung
Tara N. Sainath
Bhuvana Ramabhadran
Michael Picheny
John A. Gunnels
Vernon Austel
Upendra V. Chaudhari
Brian Kingsbury
Parallel Deep Neural Network Training for Big Data on Blue Gene/Q.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst.
28 (6) (2017)
Field G. Van Zee
Tyler M. Smith
Bryan Marker
Tze Meng Low
Robert A. van de Geijn
Francisco D. Igual
Mikhail Smelyanskiy
Xianyi Zhang
Michael Kistler
Vernon Austel
John A. Gunnels
Lee Killough
The BLIS Framework: Experiments in Portability.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
42 (2) (2016)
Tara N. Sainath
I-Hsin Chung
Bhuvana Ramabhadran
Michael Picheny
John A. Gunnels
Brian Kingsbury
George Saon
Vernon Austel
Upendra V. Chaudhari
Parallel deep neural network training for LVCSR tasks using blue gene/Q.
I-Hsin Chung
Tara N. Sainath
Bhuvana Ramabhadran
Michael Picheny
John A. Gunnels
Vernon Austel
Upendra V. Chaudhari
Brian Kingsbury
Parallel Deep Neural Network Training for Big Data on Blue Gene/Q.
François Gygi
Erik W. Draeger
Martin Schulz
Bronis R. de Supinski
John A. Gunnels
Vernon Austel
James C. Sexton
Franz Franchetti
Stefan Kral
Christoph W. Ueberhuber
Juergen Lorenz
Gordon Bell finalists I - Large-scale electronic structure calculations of high-Z metals on the BlueGene/L platform.
Hiroshi Akiba
Tomonobu Ohyama
Yoshinoir Shibata
Kiyoshi Yuyama
Yoshikazu Katai
Ryuichi Takeuchi
Takeshi Hoshino
Shinobu Yoshimura
Hirohisa Noguchi
Manish Gupta
John A. Gunnels
Vernon Austel
Yogish Sabharwal
Rahul Garg
Shoji Kato
Takashi Kawakami
Satoru Todokoro
Junko Ikeda
Gordon Bell finalists I - Large scale drop impact analysis of mobile phone using ADVC on Blue Gene/L.
Gerhard Schellhorn
Wolfgang Reif
Axel Schairer
Paul A. Karger
Vernon Austel
David C. Toll
Verified Formal Security Models for Multiapplicative Smart Cards.
J. Comput. Secur.
10 (4) (2002)
Gerhard Schellhorn
Wolfgang Reif
Axel Schairer
Paul A. Karger
Vernon Austel
David C. Toll
Verification of a Formal Security Model for Multiapplicative Smart Cards.
Sean W. Smith
Vernon Austel
Trusting Trusted Hardware: Towards a Formal Model for Programmable Secure Coprocessors.
USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce
Indranil Chakravarty
Michael F. Kleyn
Thomas Y. C. Woo
Rajive L. Bagrodia
Vernon Austel
UNITY to UC: A Case Study in the Derivation of Parallel Programs.
Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages