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Tuncay Namli
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2022
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Health Care Providers
Chronic Disease
Clinical Decision Support Systems
Dynamic Adaptation
Top Venues
Artif. Intell. Medicine
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen
Mert Baskaya
Bunyamin Sarigul
Mustafa Yuksel
Tuncay Namli
Suat Gönül
Gökhan Yilmaz
Mert Gençtürk
Janika Bloemeke
Theodoros N. Arvanitis
Roma Maguire
Rachelle Kaye
Esteban De Manuel Keenoy
Enabling Patient Adherence via Personalised, Just-in Time Adaptive Interventions in ADLIFE Architecture.
Suat Gönül
Tuncay Namli
Ahmet Cosar
Ismail Hakki Toroslu
A reinforcement learning based algorithm for personalization of digital, just-in-time, adaptive interventions.
Artif. Intell. Medicine
115 (2021)
Dietmar Glachs
Tuncay Namli
Felix Strohmeier
Gustavo Rodríguez Suárez
Michel Sluis
Javier Delgado-Lista
Jacob K. Sont
Albert A. de Graaf
Eckhard Salzsieder
Lutz Vogt
A Predictive Model-Based Decision Support System for Diabetes Patient Empowerment.
Dietmar Glachs
Tuncay Namli
Oliver Jung
Felix Strohmeier
Manuela Ploessnig
Gustavo Rodriguez
FHIR Driven Self-Management Support System for Diabetes.
Suat Gönül
Tuncay Namli
Sasja D. Huisman
Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen
Ismail Hakki Toroslu
Ahmet Cosar
An expandable approach for design and personalization of digital, just-in-time adaptive interventions.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
26 (3) (2019)
Suat Gönül
Tuncay Namli
Mert Baskaya
Ali Anil Sinaci
Ahmet Cosar
Ismail Hakki Toroslu
Optimization of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions Using Reinforcement Learning.
Tuncay Namli
Gunes Aluc
Asuman Dogac
An Interoperability Test Framework for HL7-Based Systems.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed.
13 (3) (2009)
Asuman Dogac
Yildiray Kabak
Tuncay Namli
Alper Okcan
Collaborative Business Process Support in eHealth: Integrating IHE Profiles Through ebXML Business Process Specification Language.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed.
12 (6) (2008)
Andreas Thiel
Marco Eichelberg
Berthold B. Wein
Tuncay Namli
Asuman Dogac
Goals and Challenges for the Realization of a European wide eHealth Infrastructure.