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Tony Savor
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1993-2021
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Social Networking
Stream Processing
Dos Attacks
Spatial Locality
Top Venues
ICSE (Companion Volume)
IEEE Softw.
Jeff Barber
Ximing Yu
Laney Kuenzel Zamore
Jerry Lin
Vahid Jazayeri
Shie Erlich
Tony Savor
Michael Stumm
Bladerunner: Stream Processing at Scale for a Live View of Backend Data Mutations at the Edge.
Muthukaruppan Annamalai
Kaushik Ravichandran
Harish Srinivas
Igor Zinkovsky
Luning Pan
Tony Savor
David Nagle
Michael Stumm
Sharding the Shards: Managing Datastore Locality at Scale with Akkio.
Siying Dong
Mark Callaghan
Leonidas Galanis
Dhruba Borthakur
Tony Savor
Michael Strum
Optimizing Space Amplification in RocksDB.
J. Jenny Li
Tony Savor
Automatic detection of DDoS attacks to notification services.
Int. J. Inf. Priv. Secur. Integr.
3 (1) (2017)
Chris Parnin
Eric Helms
Chris Atlee
Harley Boughton
Mark Ghattas
Andy Glover
James Holman
John Micco
Brendan Murphy
Tony Savor
Michael Stumm
Shari Whitaker
Laurie A. Williams
The Top 10 Adages in Continuous Deployment.
IEEE Softw.
34 (3) (2017)
Chuck Rossi
Elisa Shibley
Shi Su
Kent L. Beck
Tony Savor
Michael Stumm
Continuous deployment of mobile software at facebook (showcase).
Tony Savor
Mitchell Douglas
Michael Gentili
Laurie A. Williams
Kent L. Beck
Michael Stumm
Continuous deployment at Facebook and OANDA.
ICSE (Companion Volume)
J. Jenny Li
Tony Savor
Detecting DoS Attacks on Notification Services.
SERE (Companion)
Tony Savor
Testing Feature-Rich Reactive Systems.
IEEE Softw.
25 (4) (2008)
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
Toward Automatic Detection of Software Failures.
31 (8) (1998)
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
Automatic detection of software failures: issues and experience.
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
Supervisors for Testing Non-Deterministically Specified Systems.
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
Hierarchical supervisors for automatic detection of software failures.
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
An Approach to Automatic Detection of Software Failures in Real-Time Systems.
IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
An Architectural Overview of a Software Supervisor.
M. Hlady
R. Kovacevic
J. Jenny Li
Barry R. Pekilis
D. Prairie
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
D. A. Simser
Alexandre Vorobiev
An approach to automatic detection of software failures.
Tony Savor
Rudolph E. Seviora
Improving the efficiency of supervision by software through state aggregation.
IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium
Tony Savor
Paul P. Dasiewicz
A Real-Time Extension to Logic Programming Based on the Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming Paradigm.