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Toan Luu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2023
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Privacy Sensitive
Naive Bayesian Classification
Web Search
Horizontally Partitioned
Top Venues
Softw. Pract. Exp.
Thu Thi Le
Tuan-Dung Cao
Lam Xuan Pham
Trung Duc Pham
Toan Luu
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise.
Pascal Felber
Peter G. Kropf
Lorenzo Leonini
Toan Luu
Martin Rajman
Etienne Rivière
Valerio Schiavoni
José Valerio
CoFeed: privacy-preserving Web search recommendation based on collaborative aggregation of interest feedback.
Softw. Pract. Exp.
43 (10) (2013)
Pascal Felber
Peter G. Kropf
Lorenzo Leonini
Toan Luu
Martin Rajman
Etienne Riviere
Collaborative Ranking and Profiling: Exploiting the Wisdom of Crowds in Tailored Web Search.
Gleb Skobeltsyn
Toan Luu
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Martin Rajman
Karl Aberer
Query-driven indexing for scalable peer-to-peer text retrieval.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
25 (1) (2009)
Toan Luu
Gleb Skobeltsyn
Fabius Klemm
Maroje Puh
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Martin Rajman
Karl Aberer
AlvisP2P: scalable peer-to-peer text retrieval in a structured P2P network.
Proc. VLDB Endow.
1 (2) (2008)
Pascal Felber
Toan Luu
Martin Rajman
Etienne Riviere
Managing collaborative feedback information for distributed retrieval.
Maroje Puh
Toan Luu
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Martin Rajman
Scalable Content-Based Ranking in P2P Information Retrieval.
KES (1)
Ivana Podnar
Martin Rajman
Toan Luu
Fabius Klemm
Karl Aberer
Scalable Peer-to-Peer Web Retrieval with Highly Discriminative Keys.
Gleb Skobeltsyn
Toan Luu
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Martin Rajman
Karl Aberer
Web text retrieval with a P2P query-driven index.
Gleb Skobeltsyn
Toan Luu
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Martin Rajman
Karl Aberer
Query-driven indexing for scalable peer-to-peer text retrieval.
Gleb Skobeltsyn
Toan Luu
Karl Aberer
Martin Rajman
Ivana Podnar Zarko
Query-driven indexing for peer-to-peer text retrieval.
Toan Luu
Fabius Klemm
Ivana Podnar
Martin Rajman
Karl Aberer
ALVIS peers: a scalable full-text peer-to-peer retrieval engine.
Ivana Podnar
Martin Rajman
Toan Luu
Fabius Klemm
Karl Aberer
Beyond Term Indexing: A P2P Framework for Web Information Retrieval.
Informatica (Slovenia)
30 (2) (2006)
Ivana Podnar
Toan Luu
Martin Rajman
Fabius Klemm
Karl Aberer
A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Information Retrieval Across Digital Library Collections.