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Thomas Jungbluth
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Low Pass
Discrete Wavelet Transform
Motion Blur
High Frequencies
Top Venues
Comput. Electron. Agric.
GIL Jahrestagung
Felix Adrion
Matthias Reger
Florian Eckert
Anita Kapun
Max Staiger
Eva-Maria Holland
Nora Hammer
Thomas Jungbluth
Eva Gallmann
Sektorlokalisation von Mastschweinen mit UHF-RFID.
GIL Jahrestagung
Nora Hammer
Felix Adrion
Dagmar Jezierny
Eva Gallmann
Thomas Jungbluth
Methodology of a dynamic test bench to test ultra-high-frequency transponder ear tags in motion.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
113 (2015)
Daniel Herd
Eva Gallmann
Benjamin Rößler
Thomas Jungbluth
Vernetzung von Systemkomponenten in Schweinemastanlagen.
GIL Jahrestagung
Arne Kuhlmann
Daniel Herd
Benjamin Rößler
Eva Gallmann
Thomas Jungbluth
Development of A General Principle Solution Forisoagrinet Compliant Networking System Components in Animal Husbandry.
CCTA (3)
Reiner Doluschitz
Kirsten Brockhoff
Thomas Jungbluth
Caroline Liepert
Rückverfolgbarkeit von Lebensmitteln tierischer Herkunft.
GIL Jahrestagung
Christoph Appel
Thomas Jungbluth
Eberhard Hartung
LEIA - low-end image analysis to continously monitorgrowth and body conformation of fattening pigs.
GIL Jahrestagung