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Tapas Pal
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 31
Top Topics
Cca Secure
Diffie Hellman
Weighted Sums
Top Venues
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
Des. Codes Cryptogr.
Uddipana Dowerah
Subhranil Dutta
Frank Hartmann
Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Sayantan Mukherjee
Tapas Pal
SACfe: Secure Access Control in Functional Encryption with Unbounded Data.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2024 (2024)
Taiga Hiroka
Fuyuki Kitagawa
Tomoyuki Morimae
Ryo Nishimaki
Tapas Pal
Takashi Yamakawa
Certified Everlasting Secure Collusion-Resistant Functional Encryption, and More.
Subhranil Dutta
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Reinforcing privacy in cloud computing via adaptively secure non-zero inner product encryption and anonymous identity-based revocation in unbounded setting.
Theor. Comput. Sci.
995 (2024)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
(Compact) Adaptively secure FE for attribute-weighted sums from k-Lin.
Des. Codes Cryptogr.
91 (9) (2023)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
Decentralized Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Inner-Product FE: Large Universe and Unbounded.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2023 (2023)
Taiga Hiroka
Fuyuki Kitagawa
Tomoyuki Morimae
Ryo Nishimaki
Tapas Pal
Takashi Yamakawa
Certified Everlasting Secure Collusion-Resistant Functional Encryption, and More.
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
Registration-Based Functional Encryption.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2023 (2023)
Taiga Hiroka
Fuyuki Kitagawa
Tomoyuki Morimae
Ryo Nishimaki
Tapas Pal
Takashi Yamakawa
Certified Everlasting Secure Collusion-Resistant Functional Encryption, and More.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2023 (2023)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
Decentralized Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Inner-Product FE: Large Universe and Unbounded.
Public Key Cryptography (1)
Uddipana Dowerah
Subhranil Dutta
Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Sayantan Mukherjee
Tapas Pal
Unbounded Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption from Pairings.
J. Cryptol.
36 (3) (2023)
Uddipana Dowerah
Subhranil Dutta
Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Sayantan Mukherjee
Tapas Pal
Unbounded Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption from Pairings.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2023 (2023)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
Katsuyuki Takashima
Compact FE for Unbounded Attribute-Weighted Sums for Logspace from SXDH.
Subhranil Dutta
Tapas Pal
Amit Kumar Singh
Sourav Mukhopadhyay
Embedded Identity Traceable Identity-Based IPFE from Pairings and Lattices.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2022 (2022)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
Katsuyuki Takashima
Compact FE for Unbounded Attribute-Weighted Sums for Logspace from SXDH.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2022 (2022)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Attribute-Based Access Control for Inner Product Functional Encryption from LWE.
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
(Compact) Adaptively Secure FE for Attribute-Weighted Sums from k-Lin.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Attribute-Based Access Control for Inner Product Functional Encryption from LWE.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2021 (2021)
Subhranil Dutta
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Fully Secure Unbounded Zero Inner Product Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Keys.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Chosen Ciphertext Secure Functional Encryption from Constrained Witness PRF.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2021 (2021)
Pratish Datta
Tapas Pal
(Compact) Adaptively Secure FE for Attribute-Weighted Sums from k-Lin.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2021 (2021)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
CCA Secure Attribute-Hiding Inner Product Encryption from Minimal Assumption.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Chosen Ciphertext Secure Functional Encryption from Constrained Witness PRF.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Semi-Adaptively Secure Offline Witness Encryption from Puncturable Witness PRF.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Puncturable Witness Pseudorandom Functions and its Applications on Witness Encryption.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2020 (2020)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Attribute-Hiding Non-Zero Inner Product Encryptions and Its Applications.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2020 (2020)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Multi-identity and Multi-attribute Pure FHE.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Multi-Identity and Multi-Attribute Pure FHE.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2020 (2020)
Sunanda Hazra
Tapas Pal
Provas Kumar Roy
Renewable Energy Based Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm.
Int. J. Swarm Intell. Res.
10 (1) (2019)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Offline Witness Encryption from Witness PRF and Randomized Encoding in CRS Model.
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Non-zero Inner Product Encryptions: Strong Security under Standard Assumptions.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2019 (2019)
Tapas Pal
Ratna Dutta
Constructing Witness PRF and Offline Witness Encryption Without Multilinear Maps.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2018 (2018)