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Sudipta Ghosh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Neural Network
Reduced Order
Heart Disease
Supplier Selection
Top Venues
Artif. Intell. Medicine
Sudipta Ghosh
Rakesh D. Raut
Madhab Chandra Mandal
Amitava Ray
Are the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Developing Countries Ready to Implement Circular Economy Practices? An Empirical Quest for Key Readiness Factors.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management
71 (2024)
Sudipta Ghosh
Swati Mukhopadhyay
Stability analysis for model-based study of nanofluid flow over an exponentially shrinking permeable sheet in presence of slip.
Neural Comput. Appl.
32 (11) (2020)
Sudipta Ghosh
Bhabani Prasad Chattopadhyay
Ram Mohan Roy
Jayanta Mukhopadhyay
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Detection and localization of Coronary Arterial Lesion with the Aid of Impedance Cardiography and Artificial Neural Network.
Sudipta Ghosh
Chiranjib Bhowmik
Madhab Chandra Mandal
Amitava Ray
Green Supplier Selection: An Empirical Investigation.
Poulomi Pal
Sudipta Ghosh
Bhabani Prasad Chattopadhyay
Kalyan Kumar Saha
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Screening of Ischemic Heart Disease based on PPG Signals using Machine Learning Techniques.
Abilash Thakallapelli
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Development and Applicability of Online Passivity Enforced Wide-Band Multi-Port Equivalents For Hybrid Transient Simulation.
Abilash Thakallapelli
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Sensorless Real-Time Reduced Order Model Based Adaptive Maximum Power Tracking Pitch Controller for Grid Connected Wind Turbines.
Sudipta Ghosh
Bhabani Prasad Chattopadhyay
Ram Mohan Roy
Jayanta Mukherjee
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Estimation of echocardiogram parameters with the aid of impedance cardiography and artificial neural networks.
Artif. Intell. Medicine
96 (2019)
Abilash Thakallapelli
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Real-time frequency based reduced order modeling of large power grid.
Aupendu Kar
Sutanu Bera
Sri Phani Krishna Karri
Sudipta Ghosh
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Debdoot Sheet
A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Classification Of Multi-Class Motor Imagery With Improved Generalization.
Sudipta Ghosh
Bhabani Prasad Chattopadhyay
Ram Mohan Roy
Jayanta Mukhopadhyay
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Stroke Volume, Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Health Monitoring using Impedance Cardiography.
Rojan Bhattarai
Niroj Gurung
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Parametrically robust dynamic speed estimation based control for doubly fed induction generator.
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
An Energy Function-Based Optimal Control Strategy for Output Stabilization of Integrated DFIG-Flywheel Energy Storage System.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
8 (4) (2017)
T. Paul
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Paras Mandal
A quadratic programming based optimal power and battery dispatch for grid connected microgrid.
Swaminathan Seetharaman
Sudipta Ghosh
Adaptive and Composite Privacy and Security Mechanism for IoT Communication.
Abilash Thakallapelli
Sudipta Ghosh
Sukumar Kamalasadan
Real-time reduced order model based adaptive pitch controller for grid connected wind turbines.
Sudipta Ghosh
Debasish Kundu
Gopal Paul
A Fuzzy Logic Approach in Emotion Detection and Recognition and Formulation of an Odor-Based Emotional Fitness Assistive System.
Int. J. Synth. Emot.
6 (2) (2015)
Sudipta Ghosh
Swaminathan Seetharaman
Mechanism for adaptive and context-aware inter-IoT communication.
Sudipta Ghosh
Nilanjan Senroy
Electromechanical Dynamics of Controlled Variable-Speed Wind Turbines.
IEEE Syst. J.
9 (2) (2015)
Anuradha Saha
Amit Konar
Mainak Dan
Sudipta Ghosh
Decoding of motor imagery potentials in driving using DE-induced fuzzy-neural classifier.