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Sonali Gupta
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Web Documents
Web Crawlers
Convolutional Neural Network
Query Generation
Top Venues
Int. J. Inf. Retr. Res.
Int. J. Cyber Warf. Terror.
Aayush Khurana
Sweta Mittal
Deepika Kumar
Sonali Gupta
Ayushi Gupta
Tri-integrated convolutional neural network for audio image classification using Mel-frequency spectrograms.
Multim. Tools Appl.
82 (4) (2023)
Ashima Garg
Sonali Gupta
Payal Gulati
Leveraging Zero-shot Promt Design for Multi-modal Animal-Vehicle CollisionAvoidance.
Mohd Nadeem
Mahfooz Ahmad
Masood Ahmad
Prabash Chandra Pathak
Sonali Gupta
Harsh Pandey
Evaluating the Factors of CGTMSE Scheme in Bank by Using Fuzzy AHP.
Mustafa Can Gursoy
Sonali Gupta
Ophelia S. Venturelli
Urbashi Mitra
Optimizing the Spatial Topology of Bacterial Relay Systems: Delay Minimization.
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
Design of a Parallel and Scalable Crawler for the Hidden Web.
Int. J. Inf. Retr. Res.
12 (1) (2022)
Romil Rawat
Sonali Gupta
S. Sivaranjani
Om Kumar C. U.
Megha Kuliha
K. Sakthidasan Sankaran
Malevolent Information Crawling Mechanism for Forming Structured Illegal Organisations in Hidden Networks.
Int. J. Cyber Warf. Terror.
12 (1) (2022)
Romil Rawat
Yagya Nath Rimal
P. William
Snehil Dahima
Sonali Gupta
K. Sakthidasan Sankaran
Malware Threat Affecting Financial Organization Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach.
Int. J. Inf. Technol. Web Eng.
17 (1) (2022)
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
A Comparative Study of Hidden Web Crawlers.
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
Optimal Query Generation for Hidden Web Extraction through Response Analysis.
Int. J. Inf. Retr. Res.
4 (2) (2014)
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
Pikakshi Manchanda
WebParF: A Web partitioning framework for Parallel Crawlers.
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
A Novel Term Weighing Scheme Towards Efficient Crawl of Textual Databases.
Sonali Gupta
Komal Kumar Bhatia
Deep Questions in the "Deep or Hidden" Web.