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So Hirai
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Minimum Description Length
Mixture Model
Spectral Analysis
Normalized Maximum Likelihood
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
Appl. Intell.
Kenji Yamanishi
So Hirai
Detecting Signs of Model Change with Continuous Model Selection Based on Descriptive Dimensionality.
Kenji Yamanishi
So Hirai
Detecting signs of model change with continuous model selection based on descriptive dimensionality.
Appl. Intell.
53 (22) (2023)
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Detecting Gradual Structure Changes of Non-parametric Distributions via Kernel Complexity.
IEEE BigData
Taiji Suzuki
Hiroshi Abe
Tomoya Murata
Shingo Horiuchi
Kotaro Ito
Tokuma Wachi
So Hirai
Masatoshi Yukishima
Tomoaki Nishimura
Spectral Pruning: Compressing Deep Neural Networks via Spectral Analysis and its Generalization Error.
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Detecting Model Changes and their Early Warning Signals Using MDL Change Statistics.
IEEE BigData
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Correction to Efficient Computation of Normalized Maximum Likelihood Codes for Gaussian Mixture Models With Its Applications to Clustering.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
65 (10) (2019)
Taiji Suzuki
Hiroshi Abe
Tomoya Murata
Shingo Horiuchi
Kotaro Ito
Tokuma Wachi
So Hirai
Masatoshi Yukishima
Tomoaki Nishimura
Spectral-Pruning: Compressing deep neural network via spectral analysis.
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Detecting Latent Structure Uncertainty with Structural Entropy.
IEEE BigData
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
An Upper Bound on Normalized Maximum Likelihood Codes for Gaussian Mixture Models.
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Efficient Computation of Normalized Maximum Likelihood Codes for Gaussian Mixture Models With Its Applications to Clustering.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
59 (11) (2013)
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Detecting changes of clustering structures using normalized maximum likelihood coding.
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Normalized Maximum Likelihood Coding for Exponential Family with Its Applications to Optimal Clustering
So Hirai
Kenji Yamanishi
Efficient computation of normalized maximum likelihood coding for Gaussian mixtures with its applications to optimal clustering.