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Simone Valenti
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Fall Detection
Top Venues
Antonia Antoniello
Antonio Sabatelli
Simone Valenti
Caterina Belbusti
Lucia Pepa
Luca Spalazzi
Elisa Andrenelli
Marianna Capecci
Michele Tinazzi
Gianmatteo Farabolini
Marialuisa Gandolfi
Giulia Bonardi
Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
Consumer Devices for Health Parameter Collection and Analysis in Parkinson's Disease Telerehabilitation.
Antonia Antoniello
Antonio Sabatelli
Simone Valenti
Lucia Pepa
Luca Spalazzi
Elisa Andrenelli
Silvia Vada
Marianna Capecci
Michele Tinazzi
Gianmatteo Farabolini
Marialuisa Gandolfi
Giulia Bonardi
Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
Nicolò Baldini
Acceptability and clinical usefulness of a telemonitoring and telerehabilitation system in people with Parkinson's Disease in different disease stages: preliminary findings from the RAPIDO study.
Antonio Sabatelli
Simone Valenti
Antonia Antoniello
Maria Di Tillo
Lucia Pepa
Luca Spalazzi
Elisa Andrenelli
Marianna Capecci
Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
Parkinson's disease telemonitoring and telerehabilitation based on commercial wearable sensor data analysis: a pilot study.
Gabriele Volpes
Laura Sparacino
Simone Valenti
Antonino Parisi
Alessandro Busacca
Luca Faes
Riccardo Pernice
A portable multisensor system to assess cardiorespiratory interactions through photoplethysmography.
Simone Valenti
Laura Sparacino
Riccardo Pernice
Daniele Marinazzo
Hannes Almgren
Albert Comelli
Luca Faes
Assessing High-Order Interdependencies Through Static O-Information Measures Computed on Resting State fMRI Intrinsic Component Networks.
ICIAP Workshops (1)
Antonia Antoniello
Antonio Sabatelli
Simone Valenti
Maria Di Tillo
Lucia Pepa
Luca Spalazzi
Elisa Andrenelli
Marianna Capecci
Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
A low-cost telerehabilitation and telemonitoring system for people with Parkinson's disease: the architecture.
Simone Valenti
Gabriele Volpes
Antonino Parisi
Riccardo Pernice
Salvatore Stivala
Luca Faes
Alessandro Busacca
A silicon photomultiplier-based analog front-end for DC component rejection and pulse wave recording in photoplethysmographic applications.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Roberto Concetti
Lorenzo Palma
Federica Pinti
Sara Raggiunto
Luisiana Sabbatini
Simone Valenti
Andrea Monteriù
Biological age estimation using an eHealth system based on wearable sensors.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
12 (4) (2021)
Paola Pierleoni
Massimo Conti
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Palma
Lorenzo Incipini
Loris Sabbatini
Simone Valenti
Marco Mercuri
Roberto Concetti
IoT Solution based on MQTT Protocol for Real-Time Building Monitoring.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Andrea Gentili
Lorenzo Incipini
Lorenzo Palma
Simone Valenti
Sara Raggiunto
A eHealth System for Atrial Fibrillation Monitoring.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Roberto Concetti
Lorenzo Palma
Federica Pinti
Sara Raggiunto
Simone Valenti
Andrea Monteriù
A Non-invasive Method for Biological Age Estimation Using Frailty Phenotype Assessment.
Paola Pierleoni
Luca Pernini
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Palma
Lorenzo Maurizi
Simone Valenti
Indoor localization system for AAL over IPv6 WSN.
Daniele Nepi
Agnese Sbrollini
Angela Agostinelli
Elvira Maranesi
Francesco Di Nardo
Sandro Fioretti
Paola Pierleoni
Luca Pernini
Simone Valenti
Laura Burattini
Validation of the Heart-Rate Signal Provided by the Zephyr BioHarness 3.0.
Lorenzo Palma
Luca Pernini
Alberto Belli
Simone Valenti
Lorenzo Maurizi
Paola Pierleoni
IPv6 WSN solution for integration and interoperation between smart home and AAL systems.
Paola Pierleoni
Luca Pernini
Lorenzo Palma
Alberto Belli
Simone Valenti
Lorenzo Maurizi
Loris Sabbatini
Alessandro Marroni
An innovative WebRTC solution for e-Health services.
Paola Pierleoni
Luca Pernini
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Palma
Simone Valenti
Michele Paniccia
SVM-based fall detection method for elderly people using Android low-cost smartphones.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Maurizi
Lorenzo Palma
Luca Pernini
Simone Valenti
Performance evaluation of a Pedestrian Navigation System based on an objective experimental method.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Palma
Luca Pernini
Simone Valenti
An accurate device for real-time altitude estimation using data fusion algorithms.
Paola Pierleoni
Alberto Belli
Lorenzo Palma
Luca Pernini
Simone Valenti
A versatile ankle-mounted fall detection device based on attitude heading systems.