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Simona Verde
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Sar Data
Weather Forecasts
Top Venues
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
Remote. Sens.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
Davide Cardone
Martina Cignetti
Davide Notti
Danilo Godone
Daniele Giordan
Fabiana Calò
Simona Verde
Diego Reale
Eugenio Sansosti
Gianfranco Fornaro
Slope-Scale Evolution Categorization of Deep-Seated Slope Deformation Phenomena with Sentinel-1 Data.
Remote. Sens.
15 (23) (2023)
Diego Reale
Pasquale Imperatore
Damian Loran
Antonio Pauciullo
Antonio Pepe
Eugenio Sansosti
Edinson Andrés Solarte Casanova
Simona Verde
Gianfranco Fornaro
Use of L-Band Multitemporal SAR Data for Landslide Monitoring.
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
F. Calà
Pasquale Imperatore
Antonio Pauciullo
A. Pepe
Virginia Zamparelli
Eugenio Sansosti
Gianfranco Fornaro
Multipass InSAR with Multiple Bands: Application to Landslides Mapping and Monitoring.
Roberto Vassallo
J. De Rosa
Caterina Di Maio
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Gianfranco Fornaro
Ground and Satellite Long-Term Monitoring of Two Slow-Moving Urbanized Earthflows of the Italian Southern Apennines.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Partially Coherent Scatterers in SAR Tomography: An Application on COSMO-SkyMed Data.
Simona Verde
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Gianfranco Fornaro
Multiresolution Detection of Persistent Scatterers: A Performance Comparison Between Multilook GLRT and CAESAR.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
59 (4) (2021)
Nazzareno Pierdicca
Ida Maiello
Eugenio Sansosti
Giovanna Venuti
Stefano Barindelli
Rossella Ferretti
Andrea Gatti
Mariarosaria Manzo
Andrea Monti Guarnieri
Federica Murgia
Eugenio Realini
Simona Verde
Excess Path Delays From Sentinel Interferometry to Improve Weather Forecasts.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
13 (2020)
Gianfranco Fornaro
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
A Multi-Resolution GLRT Test for the Detection of Persistent Scatterers in SAR Tomography.
Riccardo Lanari
Diego Reale
Manuela Bonano
Simona Verde
Yasir Muhammad
Gianfranco Fornaro
Francesco Casu
Michele Manunta
Comment on "Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy" by Milillo et al. (2019).
Remote. Sens.
12 (24) (2020)
Nazzareno Pierdicca
Ida Maiello
Federica Murgia
Giovanna Venuti
Eugenio Sansosti
Simona Verde
Andrea Gatti
Christian Bignami
Rossella Ferretti
Eugenio Realini
Stefano Barindelli
Andrea Monti Guarnieri
Atmospheric Slant Delay from SAR Interferometry, GNSS and Numerical Weather Prediction Model: A Comparison Study in View of a Geosynchronous SAR Mission.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Walter Franzé
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Aspects of multilook SAR tomography.
Diego Reale
Walter Franzé
Antonio Pauciullo
Francescopaolo Sica
Simona Verde
Gianfranco Fornaro
Detection of single scatterers in multilook SAR Tomography.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Simona Verde
Diego Reale
Antonio Pauciullo
CAESAR: An Approach Based on Covariance Matrix Decomposition to Improve Multibaseline-Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Processing.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
53 (4) (2015)
Gianfranco Fornaro
Nicola D'Agostino
Roberta Giuliani
Carlo Noviello
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Assimilation of GPS-Derived Atmospheric Propagation Delay in DInSAR Data Processing.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
8 (2) (2015)
Gianfranco Fornaro
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Improving SAR tomography via CAESAR for built structures monitoring: An application to COSMO-SKYMED data.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Multilook SAR Tomography for 3-D Reconstruction and Monitoring of Single Structures Applied to COSMO-SKYMED Data.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
7 (7) (2014)
Gianfranco Fornaro
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Bridge Thermal Dilation Monitoring With Millimeter Sensitivity via Multidimensional SAR Imaging.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
10 (4) (2013)
Gianfranco Fornaro
Antonio Pauciullo
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
SAR coherence tomography: A new approach for coherent analysis of urban areas.
Nicola D'Agostino
Gianfranco Fornaro
Roberta Giuliani
Carlo Noviello
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
GPS aided atmospheric phase delay mitigation in differential SAR interferometry: Experiences from the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Adaptive spatial multilooking and temporal multilinking in SBAS Interferometry.
Giovanni Poggi
Francescopaolo Sica
Luisa Verdoliva
Gianfranco Fornaro
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Non-local methods for filtering interferometric SAR datasets.
Gianfranco Fornaro
Diego Reale
Simona Verde
Monitoring thermal dilations with millimetre sensitivity via multi-dimensional SAR imaging.