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Simon Curty
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Model Driven Engineering
Using Semantic Web Technologies
Rdf Graphs
Application Development
Top Venues
PoEM Workshops
ER (Companion)
Simon Curty
Hans-Georg Fill
A general domain model of distributed ledger technologies.
ER (Companion)
Simon Curty
Hans-Georg Fill
value Extension for Analyzing Blockchain-Based Value Networks.
Simon Curty
Felix Härer
Hans-Georg Fill
Design of blockchain-based applications using model-driven engineering and low-code/no-code platforms: a structured literature review.
Softw. Syst. Model.
22 (6) (2023)
Simon Curty
Felix Härer
Hans-Georg Fill
Blockchain Application Development Using Model-Driven Engineering and Low-Code Platforms: A Survey.
Simon Curty
Hans-Georg Fill
Rafael S. Gonçalves
Mark A. Musen
An Architecture for Attesting to the Provenance of Ontologies Using Blockchain Technologies.
Simon Curty
Hans-Georg Fill
Exploring the Systematic Design of Blockchain-based Applications Using Integrated Modeling Standards.
PoEM Workshops
Simon Curty
Felix Härer
Hans-Georg Fill
Blockchain Application Development Using Model-Driven Engineering and Low-Code Platforms: A Survey.
Hans-Georg Fill
Felix Härer
Fabian Muff
Simon Curty
Towards Augmented Enterprise Models as Low-Code Interfaces to Digital Systems.
Simon Curty
Felix Härer
Hans-Georg Fill
Towards the Comparison of Blockchain-based Applications Using Enterprise Modeling.
ER Demos/Posters
Simon Curty
Hans-Georg Fill
Rafael S. Gonçalves
Mark A. Musen
A WebProtégé Plugin for Attesting to the Provenance of Ontologies on the Ethereum Blockchain.
ISWC (Posters/Demos/Industry)