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Sheng-yi Kong
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2018
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Knowledge Organization
Automatic Summarization
Parse Tree
Personalized Learning
Top Venues
EMNLP (Demonstration)
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
Daniel Cer
Yinfei Yang
Sheng-yi Kong
Nan Hua
Nicole Limtiaco
Rhomni St. John
Noah Constant
Mario Guajardo-Cespedes
Steve Yuan
Chris Tar
Yun-Hsuan Sung
Brian Strope
Ray Kurzweil
Universal Sentence Encoder.
Yinfei Yang
Steve Yuan
Daniel Cer
Sheng-yi Kong
Noah Constant
Petr Pilar
Heming Ge
Yun-Hsuan Sung
Brian Strope
Ray Kurzweil
Learning Semantic Textual Similarity from Conversations.
Yinfei Yang
Steve Yuan
Daniel Cer
Sheng-yi Kong
Noah Constant
Petr Pilar
Heming Ge
Yun-Hsuan Sung
Brian Strope
Ray Kurzweil
Learning Semantic Textual Similarity from Conversations.
Daniel Cer
Yinfei Yang
Sheng-yi Kong
Nan Hua
Nicole Limtiaco
Rhomni St. John
Noah Constant
Mario Guajardo-Cespedes
Steve Yuan
Chris Tar
Brian Strope
Ray Kurzweil
Universal Sentence Encoder for English.
EMNLP (Demonstration)
Hung-yi Lee
Sz-Rung Shiang
Ching-feng Yeh
Yun-Nung Chen
Yu Huang
Sheng-yi Kong
Lin-Shan Lee
Spoken Knowledge Organization by Semantic Structuring and a Prototype Course Lecture System for Personalized Learning.
IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.
22 (5) (2014)
Sheng-yi Kong
Lin-Shan Lee
Semantic Analysis and Organization of Spoken Documents Based on Parameters Derived From Latent Topics.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process.
19 (7) (2011)
Yun-Nung Chen
Yu Huang
Sheng-yi Kong
Lin-Shan Lee
Automatic key term extraction from spoken course lectures using branching entropy and prosodic/semantic features.
Sheng-yi Kong
Miao-ru Wu
Che-Kuang Lin
Yi-Sheng Fu
Lin-Shan Lee
Learning on demand - course lecture distillation by information extraction and semantic structuring for spoken documents.
Sheng-yi Kong
Chien-Chih Wang
Ko-chien Kuo
Lin-Shan Lee
Automatic title generation for Chinese spoken documents with a delicate scored Viterbi algorithm.
Sheng-yi Kong
Lin-Shan Lee
Improved Spoken Document Summarization Using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA).
Sheng-yi Kong
Lin-Shan Lee
Improved Summarization of Chinese spoken Documents by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) with Further Analysis and Integrated Scoring.
Lin-Shan Lee
Sheng-yi Kong
Yi-Cheng Pan
Yi-Sheng Fu
Yu-tsun Huang
Multi-layered summarization of spoken document archives by information extraction and semantic structuring.
Lin-Shan Lee
Sheng-yi Kong
Yi-Cheng Pan
Yi-Sheng Fu
Yu-tsun Huang
Chien-Chih Wang
A Multi-layered Summarization System for Multi-media Archives by Understanding and Structuring of Chinese Spoken Documents.