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Sebastian Esch
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2012
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Ambient Assisted Living
Service Systems
Knowledge Intensive
Pilot Testing
Top Venues
CHI Extended Abstracts
Philip Koene
Felix Köbler
Sebastian Esch
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Design and evaluation of a service-oriented collaborative consumption platform for the elderly.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Marina Berkovich
Sebastian Esch
Christian Mauro
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Towards an Artifact Model for Requirements to IT-enabled Product Service Systems.
Marina Berkovich
Sebastian Esch
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Towards Requirements Engineering for "Software as a Service".
Sebastian Esch
Felix Köbler
Uta Franziska Knebel
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Der Personal Health Manager ein IT-gestütztes Bewegungsprogramm.
GI Jahrestagung (1)
Sebastian Esch
Uta Franziska Knebel
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Entwurf, Implementierung und Test einer IT-Architektur für einen mobilen Gesundheitscoach: Das Beispiel Personal Health Manager.
GI Jahrestagung
Uta Franziska Knebel
Jan Marco Leimeister
Sebastian Esch
Axel Pressler
Helmut Krcmar
Online, set, go - Design and empirical test of an IT-based physical activity intervention.
Marina Berkovich
Sebastian Esch
Jan Marco Leimeister
Helmut Krcmar
Requirements Engineering for Hybrid Products as Bundles of Hardware, Software and Service Elements - A Literature Review.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (1)
Max Walter
Sebastian Esch
Philipp Limbourg
COBAREA: The COpula-BAsed REliability and Availability Modeling Environment.