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Sarah Wise
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
International Workshop
Media Content
Agent Based Models
Outbreak Detection
Top Venues
J. Comput. Sci.
Comput. Environ. Urban Syst.
Sarah Wise
Sveta Milusheva
Sophie Ayling
Robert Manning Smith
Scale matters: Variations in spatial and temporal patterns of epidemic outbreaks in agent-based models.
J. Comput. Sci.
69 (2023)
Robert Manning Smith
Sarah Wise
Sophie Ayling
Calibration in a Data Sparse Environment: How Many Cases Did We Miss? (Short Paper).
Huixin Liu
Sarah Wise
Agent-Based Modelling and Disease: Demonstrating the Role of Human Remains in Epidemic Outbreaks (Short Paper).
Sarah Wise
Sveta Milusheva
Sophie Ayling
The Importance of Scaling for an Agent Based Model: An Illustrative Case Study with COVID-19 in Zimbabwe.
ICCS (1)
Thu Ba T. Nguyen
Tolga Bektas
Tom J. Cherrett
Fraser N. McLeod
Julian Allen
Oliver Bates
Marzena Piotrowska
Maja Piecyk
Adrian Friday
Sarah Wise
Optimising parcel deliveries in London using dual-mode routing.
J. Oper. Res. Soc.
70 (6) (2019)
Joon-Seok Kim
Hamdi Kavak
Dieter Pfoser
Andrew Crooks
Carola Wenk
Sarah Wise
GeoSim 2019 workshop report: The 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation.
11 (3) (2019)
Sarah Wise
Kostas Cheliotis
Oliver Bates
Fraser N. McLeod
Tom J. Cherrett
Julian Allen
Maja Piecyk
Tolga Bektas
Park And Parcel: An Agent-Based Exploration Of Last-Mile Freight Delivery Behavior As It Relates To Parking.
Oliver Bates
Adrian Friday
Julian Allen
Tom J. Cherrett
Fraser N. McLeod
Tolga Bektas
Thu Ba T. Nguyen
Maja Piecyk
Marzena Piotrowska
Sarah Wise
Nigel Davies
Transforming Last-mile Logistics: Opportunities for more Sustainable Deliveries.
Oliver Bates
Adrian Friday
Julian Allen
Fraser N. McLeod
Tom J. Cherrett
Sarah Wise
Maja Piecyk
Marzena Piotrowska
Tolga Bektas
Thu Ba T. Nguyen
ICT for Sustainable Last-Mile Logistics: Data, People and Parcels.
Sarah Wise
Kostas Cheliotis
Oliver Bates
Adrian Friday
Julian Allen
Fraser N. McLeod
Tom J. Cherrett
Using an Agent-based Model to Explore Alternative Modes of Last-Mile Parcel Delivery in Urban Contexts.
Sarah Wise
Andrew T. Crooks
Michael Batty
Transportation in Agent-Based Urban Modelling.
George Panteras
Sarah Wise
Xu Lu
Arie Croitoru
Andrew Crooks
Anthony Stefanidis
Triangulating Social Multimedia Content for Event Localization using Flickr and Twitter.
Trans. GIS
19 (5) (2015)
Andrew Crooks
Arie Croitoru
Xu Lu
Sarah Wise
John Irvine
Anthony Stefanidis
Walk This Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity Analysis.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf.
4 (3) (2015)
Andrew T. Crooks
Sarah Wise
GIS and agent-based models for humanitarian assistance.
Comput. Environ. Urban Syst.
41 (2013)
Sarah Wise
Andrew T. Crooks
Agent-based modeling for community resource management: Acequia-based agriculture.
Comput. Environ. Urban Syst.
36 (6) (2012)