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Samih Al-Areqi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Business Processes
Web Service Compositions
Goal Driven
Top Venues
ISoLA (2)
Samih Al-Areqi
Anna-Lena Lamprecht
Tiziana Margaria
Constraints-Driven Automatic Geospatial Service Composition: Workflows for the Analysis of Sea-Level Rise Impacts.
Samih Al-Areqi
Steffen Kriewald
Anna-Lena Lamprecht
Dominik Reusser
Markus Wrobel
Tiziana Margaria
Towards a Flexible Assessment of Climate Impacts: The Example of Agile Workflows for the ci: grasp Platform.
ISoLA (2)
Samih Al-Areqi
Amjad Hudaib
Nadim Obeid
Improving Availability in Distributed Component-Based Systems via Replication.
ACIIDS Posters