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Safa Otoum
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 58
Top Topics
Intrusion Detection
Healthcare Systems
Sensed Data
Reinforcement Learning
Top Venues
IEEE Netw.
Sawsan AbdulRahman
Ouns Bouachir
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
CRAS-FL: Clustered resource-aware scheme for federated learning in vehicular networks.
Veh. Commun.
47 (2024)
Mehdi Letafati
Safa Otoum
Digital Healthcare in the Metaverse: Insights into Privacy and Security.
IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag.
13 (3) (2024)
Muhammad Asad
Safa Otoum
Integrative Federated Learning and Zero-Trust Approach for Secure Wireless Communications.
IEEE Wirel. Commun.
31 (2) (2024)
Colton Helbig
Safa Otoum
Yaser Jararweh
Modeling and Evaluation of the Internet of Things Communication Protocols in Security Constrained Systems.
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Decentralized Zero-Trust Framework for Digital Twin-based 6G.
Sawsan AbdulRahman
Safa Otoum
Ouns Bouachir
Azzam Mourad
Management of Digital Twin-Driven IoT Using Federated Learning.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.
41 (11) (2023)
Sawsan Abdul Rahman
Ouns Bouachir
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
Towards Boosting Federated Learning Convergence: A Computation Offloading & Clustering Approach.
Sawsan AbdulRahman
Ouns Bouachir
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
Overcoming Resource Bottlenecks in Vehicular Federated Learning: A Cluster-Based and QoS-Aware Approach.
Muhammad Asad
Safa Otoum
Towards Privacy-Aware Federated Learning for User-Sensitive Data.
Mehdi Letafati
Safa Otoum
Digital Healthcare in The Metaverse: Insights into Privacy and Security.
Mehdi Letafati
Safa Otoum
Global Differential Privacy for Distributed Metaverse Healthcare Systems.
Belsabel Teklemariam
Saron Bokretsion
Safa Otoum
Bassem Ouni
On the Viability of Federated Deep Autoencoder for Botnet Threat Detection.
Osama Wehbi
Sarhad Arisdakessian
Omar Abdel Wahab
Hadi Otrok
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
Mohsen Guizani
FedMint: Intelligent Bilateral Client Selection in Federated Learning With Newcomer IoT Devices.
IEEE Internet Things J.
10 (23) (2023)
Betiel Tesfom
Feven Belay
Snit Daniel
Reem Salem
Safa Otoum
Phishing Detection Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms: Comparative Analysis.
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
A Federated Learning and Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Energy Trade at the Edge: A Framework for Industry 4.0.
IEEE Internet Things J.
10 (4) (2023)
Mehdi Letafati
Safa Otoum
On the privacy and security for e-health services in the metaverse: An overview.
Ad Hoc Networks
150 (2023)
Tomas Petros
Henos Ghirmay
Safa Otoum
Reem Salem
Mérouane Debbah
FLDetect: An API-Based Ransomware Detection Using Federated Learning.
Mario Chahoud
Hani Sami
Azzam Mourad
Safa Otoum
Hadi Otrok
Jamal Bentahar
Mohsen Guizani
On-Demand-FL: A Dynamic and Efficient Multicriteria Federated Learning Client Deployment Scheme.
IEEE Internet Things J.
10 (18) (2023)
Mario Chahoud
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
On the feasibility of Federated Learning towards on-demand client deployment at the edge.
Inf. Process. Manag.
60 (1) (2023)
Safa Otoum
Nadra Guizani
Hussein T. Mouftah
On the Feasibility of Split Learning, Transfer Learning and Federated Learning for Preserving Security in ITS Systems.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
24 (7) (2023)
Vahideh Hayyolalam
Safa Otoum
Öznur Özkasap
A Hybrid Edge-assisted Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Heart Disease.
Osama Wehbi
Sarhad Arisdakessian
Omar Abdel Wahab
Hadi Otrok
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
Mohsen Guizani
FedMint: Intelligent Bilateral Client Selection in Federated Learning with Newcomer IoT Devices.
Mario Chahoud
Hani Sami
Azzam Mourad
Safa Otoum
Hadi Otrok
Jamal Bentahar
Mohsen Guizani
ON-DEMAND-FL: A Dynamic and Efficient Multi-Criteria Federated Learning Client Deployment Scheme.
Muhammad Asad
Safa Otoum
Saima Shaukat
Resource and Heterogeneity-aware Clients Eligibility Protocol in Federated Learning.
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Safa Otoum
Supporting Next-Generation Network Management with Intelligent Moving Devices.
IEEE Netw.
36 (3) (2022)
Vahideh Hayyolalam
Safa Otoum
Öznur Özkasap
Dynamic QoS/QoE-aware reliable service composition framework for edge intelligence.
Clust. Comput.
25 (3) (2022)
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
Realizing Health 4.0 in Beyond 5G Networks.
Xiaoyu Song
Wei Pan
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Ali Abbas
Safa Otoum
AI-Enabled Health 4.0: An IoT-Based COVID-19 Diagnosis Use-Case.
Venkatraman Balasubramanian
Safa Otoum
Martin Reisslein
VeNet: Hybrid Stacked Autoencoder Learning for Cooperative Edge Intelligence in IoV.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
23 (9) (2022)
Osama Wehbi
Sarhad Arisdakessian
Omar Abdel Wahab
Hadi Otrok
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
Towards Bilateral Client Selection in Federated Learning Using Matching Game Theory.
Hala Shamseddine
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
A Federated Learning Scheme for Neuro-developmental Disorders: Multi-Aspect ASD Detection.
Hala Shamseddine
Safa Otoum
Azzam Mourad
On the Feasibility of Federated Learning for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: ASD Detection Use-Case.
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
Securing Critical IoT Infrastructures With Blockchain-Supported Federated Learning.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (4) (2022)
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
Preventing and Controlling Epidemics through Blockchain-Assisted AI-Enabled Networks.
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
A Comparative Study of AI-Based Intrusion Detection Techniques in Critical Infrastructures.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
21 (4) (2021)
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Azzedine Boukerche
Generalizing AI: Challenges and Opportunities for Plug and Play AI Solutions.
IEEE Netw.
35 (1) (2021)
Safa Otoum
Nadra Guizani
Hussein T. Mouftah
Federated Reinforcement Learning-Supported IDS for IoT-steered Healthcare Systems.
David Berdik
Safa Otoum
Nikolas Schmidt
Dylan Porter
Yaser Jararweh
A Survey on Blockchain for Information Systems Management and Security.
Inf. Process. Manag.
58 (1) (2021)
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
Preventing and Controlling Epidemics Through Blockchain-Assisted AI-Enabled Networks.
IEEE Netw.
35 (3) (2021)
Mohammed Al-Khafajiy
Safa Otoum
Thar Baker
Muhammad Asim
Zakaria Maamar
Moayad Aloqaily
Mark Taylor
Martin Randles
Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
21 (3) (2021)
Safa Otoum
Hussein T. Mouftah
Enabling Trustworthiness in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Through Blockchain and AI-Assisted Solutions.
IEEE Wirel. Commun.
28 (6) (2021)
Yahya Hassanzadeh-Nazarabadi
Sanaz Taheri Boshrooyeh
Safa Otoum
Seyhan Ucar
Öznur Özkasap
DHT-based Communications Survey: Architectures and Use Cases.
S. M. Ahsan Kazmi
Safa Otoum
Rasheed Hussain
Hussein T. Mouftah
A Novel Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Task-offloading in Vehicular Networks.
Haythem Bany Salameh
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Rawan Derbas
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Yaser Jararweh
Intelligent jamming-aware routing in multi-hop IoT-based opportunistic cognitive radio networks.
Ad Hoc Networks
98 (2020)
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
A Novel Ensemble Method for Advanced Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Omar Alfandi
Safa Otoum
Yaser Jararweh
Blockchain Solution for IoT-based Critical Infrastructures: Byzantine Fault Tolerance.
Hermon Yehdego
Safa Otoum
Omar Alfandi
An IoT-Based Non-invasive Diabetics Monitoring System for Crucial Conditions.
Lewis Tseng
Xinyu Yao
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Yaser Jararweh
Blockchain-based database in an IoT environment: challenges, opportunities, and analysis.
Clust. Comput.
23 (3) (2020)
Lewis Tseng
Liwen Wong
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Jalel Ben-Othman
Blockchain for Managing Heterogeneous Internet of Things: A Perspective Architecture.
IEEE Netw.
34 (1) (2020)
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Hussein T. Mouftah
Blockchain-Supported Federated Learning for Trustworthy Vehicular Networks.
Venkatraman Balasubramanian
Safa Otoum
Moayad Aloqaily
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Yaser Jararweh
Low-latency vehicular edge: A vehicular infrastructure model for 5G.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory
98 (2020)
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
A Comparative Study of AI-based Intrusion Detection Techniques in Critical Infrastructures.
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
Empowering Reinforcement Learning on Big Sensed Data for Intrusion Detection.
Moayad Aloqaily
Safa Otoum
Ismaeel Al Ridhawi
Yaser Jararweh
An intrusion detection system for connected vehicles in smart cities.
Ad Hoc Networks
90 (2019)
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
On the Feasibility of Deep Learning in Sensor Network Intrusion Detection.
IEEE Netw. Lett.
1 (2) (2019)
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
Adaptively Supervised and Intrusion-Aware Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Clusters in Critical Infrastructures.
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
Hierarchical trust-based black-hole detection in WSN-based smart grid monitoring.
Safa Otoum
Burak Kantarci
Hussein T. Mouftah
Mitigating False Negative intruder decisions in WSN-based Smart Grid monitoring.
Safa Otoum
Muayad Ahmed
Hussein T. Mouftah
Sensor Medium Access Control (SMAC)-based epilepsy patients monitoring system.