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Sabirat Rubya
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Associative Classification
Information Retrieval
User Modeling
Quantitative Methods
Top Venues
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Md. Romael Haque
Zeno Franco
Praveen Madiraju
Natalie Danielle Baker
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Otis Winstead
Robert Curry
Sabirat Rubya
"Butt call me once you get a chance to chat " : Designing Persuasive Reminders for Veterans to Facilitate Peer-Mentor Support.
Md. Romael Haque
Zeno Franco
Md Fitrat Hossain
Wylie Frydrychowicz
Praveen Madiraju
Natalie Danielle Baker
Katinka Hooyer
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Otis Winstead
Robert Curry
Sabirat Rubya
Perceptions of Mental Health Crisis among U.S. Military Veteran Peer Mentors and Potential of Mobile-Based Peer-Support Interventions.
CSCW Companion
Farhat Tasnim Progga
Sabirat Rubya
"just like therapy!": Investigating the Potential of Storytelling in Online Postpartum Depression Communities.
GROUP (Companion)
Farhat Tasnim Progga
Avanthika Senthil Kumar
Sabirat Rubya
Understanding the Online Social Support Dynamics for Postpartum Depression.
Md. Romael Haque
Sabirat Rubya
"For an App Supposed to Make Its Users Feel Better, It Sure is a Joke" - An Analysis of User Reviews of Mobile Mental Health Applications.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (CSCW2) (2022)
Farhat Tasnim Progga
Sabirat Rubya
"just like therapy!": Investigating the Potential of Storytelling in Online Postpartum Depression Communities.
Md. Romael Haque
Sabirat Rubya
"For an App Supposed to Make Its Users Feel Better, It Sure is a Joke" - An Analysis of User Reviews of Mobile Mental Health Applications.
Md. Romael Haque
Sabirat Rubya
"For an App Supposed to Make Its Users Feel Better, It Sure is a Joke" - An Analysis of User Reviews of Mobile Mental Health Applications.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (CSCW2) (2022)
Sabirat Rubya
Joseph Numainville
Svetlana Yarosh
Comparing Generic and Community-Situated Crowdsourcing for Data Validation in the Context of Recovery from Substance Use Disorders.
Priyanka Annapureddy
Zeno Franco
Praveen Madiraju
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Mark Flower
Md Fitrat Hossain
Md. Romael Haque
Nadiyah Johnson
Sabirat Rubya
Natalie Danielle Baker
Niharika Jain
Otis Winstead
Identifying Precursors to Long-Term Crisis in Veterans Using Associative Classifier.
IEEE BigData
Zachary Levonian
Drew Richard Erikson
Wenqi Luo
Saumik Narayanan
Sabirat Rubya
Prateek Vachher
Loren Terveen
Svetlana Yarosh
Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for User Modeling: Tracing Cancer Patient Behavior in an Online Health Community.
Sabirat Rubya
Joseph Numainville
Svetlana Yarosh
Comparing Generic and Community-Situated Crowdsourcing for Data Validation in the Context of Recovery from Substance Use Disorders.
Sabirat Rubya
Xizi Wang
Svetlana Yarosh
HAIR: Towards Developing a Global Self-Updating Peer Support Group Meeting List Using Human-Aided Information Retrieval.
Vikas Kumar
Sabirat Rubya
Joseph A. Konstan
Loren Terveen
Risk "Attention" or "Adventure": A Qualitative Study of Novelty and Familiarity in Music Listening.
Sabirat Rubya
Svetlana Yarosh
Video-Mediated Peer Support in an Online Community for Recovery from Substance Use Disorders.
Sabirat Rubya
Svetlana Yarosh
Interpretations of Online Anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
1 (CSCW) (2017)
Sabirat Rubya
Facilitating Peer Support for Recovery from Substance Use Disorders.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Baris Unver
Sarah A. McRoberts
Sabirat Rubya
Haiwei Ma
Zuoyi Zhang
Svetlana Yarosh
ShareTable Application for HP Sprout.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Sabirat Rubya
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
Design implication for a customized smartphone file explorer from user feedback.
Sabirat Rubya
Samiul Monir
Hasan Shahid Ferdous
Genetic Approach for a Flexible Cell Phone Keypad with Reduced Keystrokes and Key Jamming for Better Human Technology Interaction.
J. Multim.
7 (5) (2012)
Samiul Monir
Sabirat Rubya
Hasan Shahid Ferdous
Rotation and scale invariant posture recognition using Microsoft Kinect skeletal tracking feature.