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S. Srisakthi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2022
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Fault Tolerant
Block Cipher
High Assurance
Design Space
Top Venues
Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
S. Srisakthi
Gufran Ahmad Ansari
PCSP: A Protected Cloud Storage Provider employing light weight techniques.
Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect.
31 (2) (2022)
S. Srisakthi
A. P. Shanthi
Towards the Design of a Stronger AES: AES with Key Dependent Shift Rows (KDSR).
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
114 (4) (2020)
S. Srisakthi
A. P. Shanthi
Design of a Secure Encryption Model (SEM) for Cloud Data Storage Using Hadamard Transforms.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
100 (4) (2018)
S. Srisakthi
A. P. Shanthi
Towards the Design of a Secure and Fault Tolerant Cloud Storage in a Multi-Cloud Environment.
Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect.
24 (4-6) (2015)