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Ryohei Hisano
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Hierarchical Tree
Topic Models
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
J. Big Data
Rev. Socionetwork Strateg.
Ryoma Kondo
Takahiro Yoshida
Ryohei Hisano
Masked prediction and interdependence network of the law using data from large-scale Japanese court judgments.
Artif. Intell. Law
31 (4) (2023)
Takayuki Mizuno
Takaaki Ohnishi
Ryohei Hisano
Hiroshi Iyetomi
Tsutomu Watanabe
Preface of Special Issue on Data Science Questing for a Better Society.
Rev. Socionetwork Strateg.
16 (2) (2022)
Ryohei Hisano
Hiroshi Iyetomi
Takayuki Mizuno
Identifying the Hierarchical Influence Structure Behind Smart Sanctions Using Network Analysis.
Takahiro Yoshida
Ryohei Hisano
Takaaki Ohnishi
Gaussian Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Bringing Polysemy Back.
Wenning Zhang
Ryohei Hisano
Takaaki Ohnishi
Takayuki Mizuno
Nondiagonal Mixture of Dirichlet Network Distributions for Analyzing a Stock Ownership Network.
Wenning Zhang
Ryohei Hisano
Takaaki Ohnishi
Takayuki Mizuno
Nondiagonal Mixture of Dirichlet Network Distributions for Analyzing a Stock Ownership Network.
Ryohei Hisano
Didier Sornette
Takayuki Mizuno
Prediction of ESG compliance using a heterogeneous information network.
J. Big Data
7 (1) (2020)
Ryohei Hisano
Learning Topic Models by Neighborhood Aggregation.
Ryohei Hisano
Hiroshi Iyetomi
Takayuki Mizuno
Identifying the Hierarchical Influence Structure behind Smart Sanctions using Network Analysis.
Ryohei Hisano
Learning Topic Models by Neighborhood Aggregation.
Ryohei Hisano
Didier Sornette
Takayuki Mizuno
Predicting Adverse Media Risk using a Heterogeneous Information Network.
Ryohei Hisano
Tsutomu Watanabe
Takayuki Mizuno
Takaaki Ohnishi
Didier Sornette
The gradual evolution of buyer-seller networks and their role in aggregate fluctuations.
Appl. Netw. Sci.
2 (2017)
Ryohei Hisano
A new approach to building the interindustry input-output table using block estimation techniques.
IEEE BigData
Ryohei Hisano
Semi-supervised Graph Embedding Approach to Dynamic Link Prediction.
Ryohei Hisano
Didier Sornette
Takayuki Mizuno
Takaaki Ohnishi
Tsutomu Watanabe
High quality topic extraction from business news explains abnormal financial market volatility
Ryohei Hisano
Didier Sornette
Takayuki Mizuno
Predicted and verified evolution of power-law exponent in product market