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Ronald E. Waltz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1996-2021
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Simulation Models
Agent Based Simulations
Top Venues
J. Comput. Phys.
Federico D. Halpern
Igor Sfiligoi
Mark Kostuk
Ryan Stefan
Ronald E. Waltz
Simulations of plasmas and fluids using anti-symmetric models.
J. Comput. Phys.
445 (2021)
Gary D. Kerbel
Tim Pierce
Jose L. Milovich
Dan E. Shumaker
Alan Verlo
Ronald E. Waltz
Gregory W. Hammett
Mike A. Beer
William Dorland
Interactive Scientific Exploration of Gyrofluid Tokamak Turbulence.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
10 (2-3) (1996)