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Rohit Gupta
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Domain Specific
Industrial Engineering
Modeling Language
Design Guidelines
Top Venues
MoDELS (Companion)
IFIP Networking
J. Object Technol.
Rohit Gupta
Christoph Binder
Nico Jansen
Ambra Calà
Jan Vollmar
Nikolaus Regnat
David Schmalzing
Bernhard Rumpe
Towards Enabling Domain-Specific Modeling Language Exchange Between Modeling Tools.
MEDI Workshops
Rohit Gupta
Nico Jansen
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
User-Centric Model-Aware Recommendations for Industrial Domain-Specific Modelling Languages.
MoDELS (Companion)
Arvid Butting
Rohit Gupta
Nico Jansen
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
Towards Modular Development of Reusable Language Components for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages in the MagicDraw and MontiCore Ecosystems.
J. Object Technol.
22 (1) (2023)
Justus Fries
Trinh Viet Doan
Rohit Gupta
Vaibhav Bajpai
An Eight Years Perspective on the Internet Broadband Infrastructure in the USA.
IFIP Networking
Nikolaus Regnat
Rohit Gupta
Nico Jansen
Bernhard Rumpe
Implementation of the SpesML Workbench in MagicDraw.
Modellierung (Workshops)
Rohit Gupta
Nico Jansen
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
Design guidelines for improving user experience in industrial domain-specific modelling languages.
MoDELS (Companion)
Rohit Gupta
Nico Jansen
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
Design Guidelines for Improving User Experience in Industrial Domain-Specific Modelling Languages.
Rohit Gupta
Sieglinde Kranz
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
Andreas Wortmann
Towards a Systematic Engineering of Industrial Domain-Specific Languages.
Rohit Gupta
Sieglinde Kranz
Nikolaus Regnat
Bernhard Rumpe
Andreas Wortmann
Towards a Systematic Engineering of Industrial Domain-Specific Language.
Rohit Gupta
Rohit Panda
Block the blocker: Studying the effects of Anti Ad-blocking.