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Rohini R. Rao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Identity Authentication
Health Information
Health Care
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Int. J. Electron. Heal.
Manjunath Hegde
Rohini R. Rao
Radhakrishna Bhat
Design of an Efficient and Secure Authentication Scheme for Cloud-Fog-Device Framework Using Key Agreement and Management.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Manjunath Hegde
Rohini R. Rao
B. M. Nikhil
DDMIA: Distributed Dynamic Mutual Identity Authentication for Referrals in Blockchain-Based Health Care Networks.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Rohini R. Rao
Krishnamoorthi Makkithaya
Veena G. Kamath
Reena Cordeiro
A minimal e-referral for meaningful share of maternal health information in public health scenarios.
Int. J. Electron. Heal.
8 (2/3/4) (2015)
Rohini R. Rao
Krishnamoorthi Makkithaya
An informal method for identifying standards to enable meaningful exchange of public health records.