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Richard G. Allen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2021
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Thermal Infrared
Spatial Resolution
Remote Sensing
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
Environ. Model. Softw.
J. Open Source Softw.
John Volk
Justin Huntington
Richard G. Allen
Forrest Melton
Martha C. Anderson
Ayse Kilic
flux-data-qaqc: A Python Package for Energy Balance Closure and Post-Processing of Eddy Flux Data.
J. Open Source Softw.
6 (66) (2021)
Juan Miguel Ramírez-Cuesta
Richard G. Allen
Diego S. Intrigliolo
Ayse Kilic
Clarence W. Robison
Ricardo Trezza
C. Santos
Ignacio J. Lorite
METRIC-GIS: An advanced energy balance model for computing crop evapotranspiration in a GIS environment.
Environ. Model. Softw.
131 (2020)
Juan Miguel Ramírez-Cuesta
Richard G. Allen
Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada
Ayse Kilic
C. Santos
Ignacio J. Lorite
Impact of the spatial resolution on the energy balance components on an open-canopy olive orchard.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
74 (2019)
Daniel de la Fuente-Sáiz
Samuel Ortega-Farías
David Fonseca
Samuel Ortega-Salazar
Ayse Kilic
Richard G. Allen
Calibration of METRIC Model to Estimate Energy Balance over a Drip-Irrigated Apple Orchard.
Remote. Sens.
9 (7) (2017)
Samuel Ortega-Farías
Samuel Ortega-Salazar
Tomas Poblete
Ayse Kilic
Richard G. Allen
Carlos Poblete-Echeverría
Luis Ahumada-Orellana
Mauricio Zúñiga
Daniel Sepúlveda-Reyes
Estimation of Energy Balance Components over a Drip-Irrigated Olive Orchard Using Thermal and Multispectral Cameras Placed on a Helicopter-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
Remote. Sens.
8 (8) (2016)
Dennis C. Reuter
Cathleen M. Richardson
Fernando A. Pellerano
James R. Irons
Richard G. Allen
Martha C. Anderson
Murzy D. Jhabvala
Allen W. Lunsford
Matthew Montanaro
Ramsey L. Smith
Zelalem Tesfaye
Kurtis J. Thome
The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) on Landsat 8: Design Overview and Pre-Launch Characterization.
Remote. Sens.
7 (1) (2015)
Ramesh Dhungel
Richard G. Allen
Ricardo Trezza
Clarence W. Robison
Comparison of Latent Heat Flux Using Aerodynamic Methods and Using the Penman-Monteith Method with Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance.
Remote. Sens.
6 (9) (2014)
Ricardo Trezza
Richard G. Allen
Masahiro Tasumi
Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration along the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico Using MODIS and Landsat Imagery with the METRIC Model.
Remote. Sens.
5 (10) (2013)
Isabel Pocas
Mario Cunha
Luís S. Pereira
Richard G. Allen
Using remote sensing energy balance and evapotranspiration to characterize montane landscape vegetation with focus on grass and pasture lands.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
21 (2013)
Anthony Morse
William J. Kramber
Richard G. Allen
Masahiro Tasumi
Use of the METRIC evapotranspiration model to compute water use by irrigated agriculture in Idaho.
Anthony Morse
William J. Kramber
M. Wilkins
Richard G. Allen
Masahiro Tasumi
Preliminary computation of evapotranspiration by land cover type using Landsat TM data and SEBAL.
William J. Kramber
Anthony Morse
Richard G. Allen
Masahiro Tasumi
Ricardo Trezza
James L. Wright
Developing surrogate pixels for comparing SEBAL ET with lysimeter ET measurements.