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Ravi Shankar
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Renewable Energy
Power System
Stochastic Model
Reactive Power
Top Venues
Int. J. Intell. Syst.
Soft Comput.
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.
Abhishek Saxena
Ravi Shankar
Omar Al Zaabi
Khalifa Al Hosani
Utkal Ranjan Muduli
Rule-Based Adaptive Frequency Regulation With Real Stochastic Model Intermittency in a Restructured Power System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
20 (2) (2024)
Mrinal Ranjan
Ravi Shankar
Effect of Electric Vehicles and Renewable Sources on Frequency Regulation in Hybrid Power System Using QOAOA Optimized Type-2 Fuzzy Fractional Controller.
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.
26 (3) (2024)
Mrinal Ranjan
Ravi Shankar
Improved frequency regulation in smart grid system integrating renewable sources and hybrid energy storage system.
Soft Comput.
28 (11-12) (2024)
Sariki Murali
Ravi Shankar
Exploration of novel optimal fuzzy-based controller for enhancement of frequency regulation of deregulated hybrid power system with modified HVDC tie-line.
Int. J. Intell. Syst.
37 (7) (2022)
Prateek Sharma
Abhishek Mishra
Abhishek Saxena
Ravi Shankar
A Novel Hybridized Fuzzy PI-LADRC Based Improved Frequency Regulation for Restructured Power System Integrating Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Abhishek Saxena
Chandan Kumar Shiva
Ravi Shankar
B. Vedik
Impacts of wind farms with multi-terminal HVDC system in frequency regulation using quasi-opposition pathfinder algorithm.
Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag.
12 (6) (2021)
Ravi Shankar
S. R. Pradhan
S. B. Sahoo
Kalyan Chatterjee
GA based improved frequency regulation characteristics for thermal-hydro-gas & DFIG model in coordination with FACTS and energy storage system.
Ravi Bhushan
Kalyan Chatterjee
Ravi Shankar
Comparison between GA-based LQR and conventional LQR control method of DFIG wind energy system.
Ravi Shankar
K. Chatterjee
T. K. Chatterjee
Genetic algorithm based controller for Load-Frequency Control of interconnected systems.