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Raúl Carrasco
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Big Data
Monitoring System
Mackey Glass
Gradient Boosting
Top Venues
J. Sensors
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control
Claudia A. Durán
Christian Fernández-Campusano
Raúl Carrasco
Eduardo Carrillo
DMLBC: Dependable machine learning for seaports using blockchain technology.
J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci.
36 (1) (2024)
Giuliano Ramírez
Kevin Salazar
Vicente Barria
Oscar Pinto
Lilian San Martin
Raúl Carrasco
Diego Fuentealba
Gustavo Gatica
Accident Risk Detection in Urban Trees using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic.
Claudia A. Durán
Christian Fernández-Campusano
Raúl Carrasco
Manuel Vargas
Alejandro Navarrete
Boosting the Decision-Making in Smart Ports by Using Blockchain.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Raúl Carrasco
Manuel Vargas
Ismael Soto
Diego Fuentealba
Leonardo Banguera
Guillermo Fuertes
Chaotic Time Series for Copper's Price Forecast - Neural Networks and the Discovery of Knowledge for Big Data.
Carolina Lagos
Raúl Carrasco
Guillermo Fuertes
Sebastian Gutierrez
Ismael Soto
Manuel Vargas
Big Data on Decision Making in Energetic Management of Copper Mining.
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control
12 (1) (2017)
Iván Jirón
Ismael Soto
Cesar A. Azurdia-Meza
Alvaro Valencia
Raúl Carrasco
A new DNA cryptosystem based on AG codes evaluated in gaussian channels.
Telecommun. Syst.
64 (2) (2017)
Guillermo Fuertes
Ismael Soto
Raúl Carrasco
Manuel Vargas
Jorge Sabattin
Carolina Lagos
Intelligent Packaging Systems: Sensors and Nanosensors to Monitor Food Quality and Safety.
J. Sensors
2016 (2016)
Guillermo Fuertes
Ismael Soto
Manuel Vargas
Alvaro Valencia
Jorge Sabattin
Raúl Carrasco
Nanosensors for a Monitoring System in Intelligent and Active Packaging.
J. Sensors
2016 (2016)
Fabián Seguel
Raúl Carrasco
Pablo Adasme
Miguel D. Alfaro
Ismael Soto
A Meta-heuristic Approach for Copper Price Forecasting.