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Rashid Ali
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2023
Publications (10 Years): 47
Top Topics
High Efficiency
Resource Allocation
Reinforcement Learning
Wireless Communication
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Internet Things J.
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Hyung Seok Kim
Learning-Based Adaptive Sliding-Window RLNC for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Abdul Rehman
Faisal Bashir Hussain
Rashid Ali
Tahir Khurshaid
Collision-Based Up-Link OFDMA Random Access Mechanism for Wi-Fi 6.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Alaa Omran Almagrabi
Rashid Ali
Daniyal M. Alghazzawi
Bander A. Alzahrani
Fahad M. Alotaibi
Network Learning-Enabled Sensor Association for Massive Internet of Things.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
47 (1) (2023)
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Rashid Ali
Usman Tariq
Yahui Meng
Ali Kashif Bashir
Cache in fog computing design, concepts, contributions, and security issues in machine learning prospective.
Digit. Commun. Networks
9 (5) (2023)
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Hyung Seok Kim
RS-RLNC: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Selective Random Linear Network Coding Framework for Tactile Internet.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Muhammad Zubair Islam
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Hyung Seok Kim
Reinforcement Learning-Aided Edge Intelligence Framework for Delay-Sensitive Industrial Applications.
22 (20) (2022)
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Tu N. Nguyen
Rashid Ali
Korhan Cengiz
Yahui Meng
Tahir Khurshaid
Hybrid Cache Management in IoT-Based Named Data Networking.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (10) (2022)
Arslan Musaddiq
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Dong-Seong Kim
Learning-Based Resource Management for Low-Power and Lossy IoT Networks.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (17) (2022)
Alaa Omran Almagrabi
Rashid Ali
Daniyal M. Alghazzawi
Abdullah Albarakati
Tahir Khurshaid
A Reinforcement Learning-Based Framework for Crowdsourcing in Massive Health Care Internet of Things.
Big Data
10 (2) (2022)
Muhammad Junaid
Adnan Sohail
Fadi M. Al-Turjman
Rashid Ali
Agile Support Vector Machine for Energy-efficient Resource Allocation in IoT-oriented Cloud using PSO.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
22 (1) (2022)
Muhammad Zubair Islam
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Hyung Seok Kim
QoS Provisioning: Key Drivers and Enablers Toward the Tactile Internet in Beyond 5G Era.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Rehmat Ullah
Yahui Meng
Rashid Ali
Bilal Ahmed Lodhi
Caching Content on the Network Layer: A Performance Analysis of Caching Schemes in ICN-Based Internet of Things.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (9) (2022)
Muhammad Zubair Islam
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Hyung Seok Kim
IoTactileSim: A Virtual Testbed for Tactile Industrial Internet of Things Services.
21 (24) (2021)
Rashid Ali
Imran Ashraf
Ali Kashif Bashir
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Reinforcement-Learning-Enabled Massive Internet of Things for 6G Wireless Communications.
IEEE Commun. Stand. Mag.
5 (2) (2021)
Ali Nauman
Muhammad Ali Jamshed
Rashid Ali
Korhan Cengiz
Sung Won Kim
Reinforcement learning-enabled Intelligent Device-to-Device (I-D2D) communication in Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT).
Comput. Commun.
176 (2021)
Muhammad Zubair Islam
Rashid Ali
Amir Haider
Md Zahidul Islam
Hyung Seok Kim
PAKES: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Personalized Adaptability Knowledge Extraction Strategy for Adaptive Learning Systems.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Muhammad Faheem
Rizwan Aslam Butt
Rashid Ali
Basit Raza
Md. Asri Ngadi
Vehbi Cagri Gungor
CBI4.0: A cross-layer approach for big data gathering for active monitoring and maintenance in the manufacturing industry 4.0.
J. Ind. Inf. Integr.
24 (2021)
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Sahil Garg
Ali Kashif Bashir
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Hyung Seok Kim
A Federated Reinforcement Learning Framework for Incumbent Technologies in Beyond 5G Networks.
IEEE Netw.
35 (4) (2021)
Waqas Khalid
Heejung Yu
Rashid Ali
Rehmat Ullah
Advanced Physical-Layer Technologies for Beyond 5G Wireless Communication Networks.
21 (9) (2021)
Yahui Meng
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Muhammad Sohail
Ali Kashif Bashir
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Correction to: Elastic caching solutions for content dissemination services of ip-based internet technologies prospective.
Multim. Tools Appl.
80 (11) (2021)
Korhan Cengiz
Rashid Ali
Sedat Akleylek
Jaroslav Frnda
Call for papers: Special issue on distributed next generation 5G data networks.
Intell. Converged Networks
2 (1) (2021)
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Rashid Ali
Muhammad Khalil Afzal
Sung Won Kim
Next-Generation Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions.
21 (4) (2021)
Yahui Meng
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Muhammad Sohail
Ali Kashif Bashir
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Elastic caching solutions for content dissemination services of ip-based internet technologies prospective.
Multim. Tools Appl.
80 (11) (2021)
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Ali Kashif Bashir
Sahil Garg
Hyung Seok Kim
URLLC for 5G and Beyond: Requirements, Enabling Incumbent Technologies and Network Intelligence.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Hussain Ahmad
Muhammad Zubair Islam
Amir Haider
Rashid Ali
Hyung Seok Kim
Intelligent Stretch Reduction in Information-CentricNetworking towards 5G-Tactile Internet realization.
Ali Nauman
Muhammad Ali Jamshed
Yazdan Ahmad Qadri
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Reliability Optimization in Narrowband Device-to-Device Communication for 5G and Beyond-5G Networks.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Hyung Seok Kim
Exponentially Distributed Random Access in LTE-A networks.
Yahui Meng
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Alaa Omran Almagrabi
Rashid Ali
Hyung Seok Kim
Advancing the State of the Fog Computing to Enable 5G Network Technologies.
20 (6) (2020)
Arash Ostovar
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Hyung Seok Kim
Rashid Ali
Optimization of Resource Allocation Model With Energy-Efficient Cooperative Sensing in Green Cognitive Radio Networks.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Rashid Ali
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
Hyung Seok Kim
Farruh Ishmanov
(ReLBT): A Reinforcement learning-enabled listen before talk mechanism for LTE-LAA and Wi-Fi coexistence in IoT.
Comput. Commun.
150 (2020)
Muhammad Sohail
Rashid Ali
Muhammad Kashif
Sher Ali
Sumet Mehta
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Heejung Yu
TrustWalker: An Efficient Trust Assessment in Vehicular Internet of Things (VIoT) with Security Consideration.
20 (14) (2020)
Rashid Ali
Ali Nauman
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
Performance optimization of QoS-supported dense WLANs using machine-learning-enabled enhanced distributed channel access (MEDCA) mechanism.
Neural Comput. Appl.
32 (17) (2020)
Arslan Musaddiq
Zulqar Nain
Yazdan Ahmad Qadri
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Cross-Layer Optimization for Low-Power and Lossy Networks under Heterogeneous Traffic Patterns.
20 (15) (2020)
Yazdan Ahmad Qadri
Rashid Ali
Arslan Musaddiq
Fadi Al-Turjman
Dae Wan Kim
Sung Won Kim
The limitations in the state-of-the-art counter-measures against the security threats in H-IoT.
Clust. Comput.
23 (3) (2020)
Rashid Ali
Yazdan Ahmad
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Tariq Umer
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
Q-learning-enabled channel access in next-generation dense wireless networks for IoT-based eHealth systems.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2019 (2019)
Rashid Ali
Nurullah Shahin
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
Deep Reinforcement Learning Paradigm for Performance Optimization of Channel Observation-Based MAC Protocols in Dense WLANs.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Yahui Meng
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Sung Won Kim
DCS: Distributed Caching Strategy at the Edge of Vehicular Sensor Networks in Information-Centric Networking.
19 (20) (2019)
Yahui Meng
Muhammad Ali Naeem
Rashid Ali
Byung-Seo Kim
EHCP: An Efficient Hybrid Content Placement Strategy in Named Data Network Caching.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Nurullah Shahin
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Young-Tak Kim
Cognitive backoff mechanism for IEEE802.11ax high-efficiency WLANs.
J. Commun. Networks
21 (2) (2019)
Ali Nauman
Muhammad Ali Jamshed
Yazdan Ahmad
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Sung Won Kim
An Intelligent Deterministic D2D Communication in Narrow-band Internet of Things.
Nurullah Shahin
Rashid Ali
Young-Tak Kim
Hybrid Slotted-CSMA/CA-TDMA for Efficient Massive Registration of IoT Devices.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Nurullah Shahin
Rashid Ali
Seung Yeob Nam
Young-Tak Kim
Performance Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Control Methods for Efficient Registration of Massive IoT Devices.
Rashid Ali
Nurullah Shahin
Arslan Musaddiq
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
Fair and Efficient Channel Observation-Based Listen-Before Talk (CoLBT) for LAA-WiFi Coexistence in Unlicensed LTE.
Nurullah Shahin
Rashid Ali
Sung Won Kim
Young-Tak Kim
Adaptively scaled back-off (ASB) mechanism for enhanced performance of CSMA/CA in IEEE 802.11ax high efficiency WLAN.
Rojeena Bajracharya
Rakesh Shrestha
Rashid Ali
Arslan Musaddiq
Sung Won Kim
LWA in 5G: State-of-the-Art Architecture, Opportunities, and Research Challenges.
IEEE Commun. Mag.
56 (10) (2018)
Rashid Ali
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Farhan Amin
Byung-Seo Kim
Sung Won Kim
I-DTMC: An Integrated-Discrete Time Markov Chain Model for Performance Analysis in Future WLANs.
LCN Workshops
Arslan Musaddiq
Yousaf Bin Zikria
Rashid Ali
Illa Ul Rasool
Sung Won Kim
Congestion control routing using optimal channel assignment mechanism in wireless mesh network.