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Raffaele Giordano
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2022
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
High Energy Physics
Smarter Planet
River Basin
Emergency Response
Top Venues
Environ. Model. Softw.
Tiziana Pirelli
Valentina Baratella
Antonella Di Fonzo
Stefano Fabiani
Raffaele Giordano
Maria A. Lilli
Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis
Alessandro Pagano
Ivan Portoghese
Silvia Vanino
Introducing Nature-based Solutions to Optimize the Water-Ecosystems-Food Nexus Across the Mediterranean Basin: The Plain of Tarquinia (IT) Case Study - Abstract.
Mark Mulligan
Caitlin Douglas
Arnout van Soesbergen
Maoijing Shi
Sophia Burke
Hedwig van Delden
Raffaele Giordano
Elena Lopez-Gunn
Albert Scrieciu
Environmental Intelligence for more Sustainable Infrastructure Investment.
Alessandro Pagano
Irene Pluchinotta
Raffaele Giordano
Umberto Fratino
Integrating "Hard" and "Soft" Infrastructural Resilience Assessment for Water Distribution Systems.
2018 (2018)
Raffaele Giordano
Alessandro Pagano
Irene Pluchinotta
Rosa Olivo del Amo
Sonia M. Hernandez
Eduardo S. Lafuente
Modelling the complexity of the network of interactions in flood emergency management: The Lorca flash flood case.
Environ. Model. Softw.
95 (2017)
Paride Bifulco
Vincenzo Izzo
Stefano Mastroianni
Alberto Aloisio
Raffaele Giordano
Fabrizio Ameli
Valerio Bocci
Sandro Cadeddu
Luigi Casu
Adriano Lai
Angelo Loi
A fully-digital and fully synthetizable TDC for high energy physics experiments.
Ivan Portoghese
Daniela D'Agostino
Raffaele Giordano
Alessandra Scardigno
Ciro Apollonio
Michele Vurro
An integrated modelling tool to evaluate the acceptability of irrigation constraint measures for groundwater protection.
Environ. Model. Softw.
46 (2013)
Raffaele Giordano
Stefan Liersch
A fuzzy GIS-based system to integrate local and technical knowledge in soil salinity monitoring.
Environ. Model. Softw.
36 (2012)
Mauro Dell'Orco
Raffaele Giordano
Web Community of Agents for the Integrated Logistics of Industrial Districts.