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R. Prabakaran
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
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Tandem Mass Spectra
Mhc Class Ii
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Energy Dissipation
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Briefings Bioinform.
Eur. J. Control
ICIC (2)
K. Immanuvel Arokia James
R. Prabakaran
R. Kanimozhi
A review on various energy sources and harvesting techniques in WSN.
Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms
26 (2) (2023)
R. Prabakaran
Puneet Rawat
Sandeep Kumar
M. Michael Gromiha
Erratum to: Evaluation of in silico tools for the prediction of protein and peptide aggregation on diverse datasets.
Briefings Bioinform.
23 (1) (2022)
K. Immanuvel Arokia James
R. Prabakaran
A. Karthikeyan
R. R. Prianka
Co-operative beam forming selection with energy balanced operation for wireless sensor network.
Wirel. Networks
28 (8) (2022)
Puneet Rawat
Divya Sharma
R. Prabakaran
Fathima Ridha
Mugdha Mohkhedkar
Vani Janakiraman
M. Michael Gromiha
Ab-CoV: a curated database for binding affinity and neutralization profiles of coronavirus-related antibodies.
38 (16) (2022)
Puneet Rawat
Divya Sharma
Medha Pandey
R. Prabakaran
M. Michael Gromiha
Understanding the mutational frequency in SARS-CoV-2 proteome using structural features.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
147 (2022)
M. Vijaya Kumar
S. Nagarani
C. Pradeep
R. Prabakaran
Robust synchronization of uncertain Markovian jumping complex interconnected neural networks via adaptive fault-tolerant control.
Eur. J. Control
63 (2022)
K. Immanuvel Arokia James
R. Prabakaran
Intracluster cooperative communication in smart home scenario through stable election protocol.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
33 (3) (2021)
R. Prabakaran
Puneet Rawat
Sandeep Kumar
M. Michael Gromiha
Evaluation of in silico tools for the prediction of protein and peptide aggregation on diverse datasets.
Briefings Bioinform.
22 (6) (2021)
Puneet Rawat
R. Prabakaran
Sandeep Kumar
M. Michael Gromiha
AggreRATE-Pred: a mathematical model for the prediction of change in aggregation rate upon point mutation.
36 (5) (2020)
V. Hemalatha
R. Prabakaran
Dhanalakshmi Samiappan
A. Jaba Deva Krupa
Time Triggered Hybrid Scheduler with Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Distributed Real Time Embedded Systems.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
97 (2) (2017)
R. Prabakaran
Rahul Nikam
Sandeep Kumar
M. Michael Gromiha
Influence of Amino Acid Properties for Characterizing Amyloid Peptides in Human Proteome.
ICIC (2)
R. Sivaraman
R. Prabakaran
S. Sujatha
Dynamic Multimedia Content Retrieval System in Distributed Environment