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Quang "Neo" Bui
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Organizational Change
United States
Information Technology
School Education
Top Venues
Inf. Manag.
Inf. Organ.
Olayele Adelakun
Quang "Neo" Bui
Bridging the Gap between Education and Practice: The Case of iD Lab.
Quang "Neo" Bui
Ezekiel Leo
Olayele Adelakun
Achieving Strategic Innovation through Information Technology Outsourcing: A Configurational Approach.
Matthew Levy
Quang "Neo" Bui
How field-level institutions become a part of organizations: A study of enterprise architecture as a tool for institutional change.
Inf. Organ.
29 (4) (2019)
Son Bui
Quang "Neo" Bui
An Empirical Investigation of Equity-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns in the United States.
Paul Benjamin Lowry
Nathan W. Twyman
Matthew D. Pickard
Jeffrey L. Jenkins
Quang "Neo" Bui
Proposing the Affect-Trust Infusion Model (ATIM) to explain and predict the influence of high and low affect infusion on Web vendor trust.
Inf. Manag.
51 (5) (2014)
M. Lynne Markus
Quang "Neo" Bui
Dax D. Jacobson
Kevin Mentzer
Olivier Lisein
It Centralizaton And Enterprise-Wide It Capabilities And Outcomes: A Public Sector Study.
M. Lynne Markus
Quang "Neo" Bui
Governing Public Sector Interorganizational Network Infrastructures-The Importance of Formal and Legal Arrangements.
Quang "Neo" Bui
On the Diffusion of Administrative Innovation: Performance, Fashion, or Legitimacy.