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Pravin Pawar
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Software Engineering
Management System
Software Product Line
Personal Health
Top Venues
Ann. des Télécommunications
IHCI (2)
Pravin Pawar
Sundar Balasubramaniam
Anita Ramachandran
Design of a Graduate level Software Engineering Program with a Product Perspective and a Product Management Specialization.
Pravin Pawar
Neeraj Parolia
Sameer Shinde
Thierry Oscar Edoh
Madhusudan Singh
eHealthChain - a blockchain-based personal health information management system.
Ann. des Télécommunications
77 (1) (2022)
Muhammad Bilal Qureshi
Hyeok Kim
Muhammad Fayaz
Pravin Pawar
Comparative Analysis of Time Series Forecasting Approaches for Household Electricity Consumption Prediction.
Pravin Pawar
Colin K. Park
Injang Hwang
Madhusudan Singh
Architecture of an IoT and Blockchain Based Medication Adherence Management System.
IHCI (2)
Pravin Pawar
Val Jones
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Hermie J. Hermens
A framework for the comparison of mobile patient monitoring systems.
J. Biomed. Informatics
45 (3) (2012)
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Pravin Pawar
Lamia Elloumi
Hermie J. Hermens
Towards Delivering Disease Support Processes for Patient Empowerment Using Mobile Virtual Communities.
Jan-Willem van't Klooster
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Pravin Pawar
Klaas Sikkel
Lucas O. Meertens
Hermie J. Hermens
Virtual communities for elderly healthcare: user-based requirements elicitation.
Int. J. Netw. Virtual Organisations
9 (3) (2011)
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Hermie J. Hermens
Katarzyna Wac
Dimitri Konstantas
Context-Aware Computing Support for Network-Assisted Seamless Vertical Handover in Remote Patient Monitoring.
AINA Workshops
Hailiang Mei
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Pravin Pawar
Ing Widya
Hermie J. Hermens
A*-Based Task Assignment Algorithm for Context-Aware Mobile Patient Monitoring Systems.
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Pravin Pawar
C. B. Dulawan
Hermie J. Hermens
Mobile Virtual Communities for Telemedicine: Research Challenges and Opportunities.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl.
6 (2) (2009)
Katarzyna Wac
Mortaza S. Bargh
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Richard Bults
Pravin Pawar
Arjan J. H. Peddemors
Power- and delay-awareness of health telemonitoring services: the mobihealth system case study.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.
27 (4) (2009)
Roberto Rigolin Ferreira Lopes
Roberto Sadao Yokoyama
Bruno Yuji Lino Kimura
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Edson dos Santos Moreira
Exploring user's habits and virtual communities to improve IP-connectivity management.
Pravin Pawar
Hanga Boros
Fei Liu
Geert J. Heijenk
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Bridging Context Management Systems in the ad hoc and mobile environments.
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Katarzyna Wac
Hermie Hermens
Dimitri Konstantas
Towards Location Based QoS-Aware Network Selection Mechanism for the Nomadic Mobile Services.
Cristian Hesselman
Hartmut Benz
Pravin Pawar
Fei Liu
Maarten Wegdam
Martin Wibbels
Tom H. F. Broens
Jacco Brok
Bridging context management systems for different types of pervasive computing environments.
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Marten van Sinderen
Akshai Aggarwal
Pierre Maret
Frédéric De Clercq
Performance evaluation of the context-aware handover mechanism for the nomadic mobile services in remote patient monitoring.
Comput. Commun.
31 (16) (2008)
Pravin Pawar
Julien Subercaze
Pierre Maret
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Dimitri Konstantas
Towards business model and technical platform for the service oriented context-aware mobile virtual communities.
Janne Lindqvist
Pravin Pawar
Erich P. Stuntebeck
HotMobile 2008: Postconference Report.
IEEE Pervasive Comput.
7 (4) (2008)
Julien Subercaze
Pierre Maret
Jacques Calmet
Pravin Pawar
A Service Oriented Framework for Mobile Business Virtual Communities.
Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Hermie J. Hermens
Dimitri Konstantas
Analysis of Context-Aware Network Selection Schemes for Power Savings.
Pravin Pawar
Katarzyna Wac
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Pierre Maret
Aart van Halteren
Hermie J. Hermens
Context-aware middleware architecture for vertical handover support to multi-homed nomadic mobile services.
Hailiang Mei
Ing Widya
Tom H. F. Broens
Pravin Pawar
Aart van Halteren
Boris Shishkov
Marten van Sinderen
A Framework for Smart Distribution of Bio-Signal Processing Units in M-Health.
Pravin Pawar
Aart van Halteren
Kamran Sheikh
Enabling Context-Aware Computing for the Nomadic Mobile User: A Service Oriented and Quality Driven Approach.
Pravin Pawar
Hailiang Mei
Ing Widya
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Aart van Halteren
Context-aware task assignment in ubiquitous computing environment - A genetic algorithm based approach.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Pravin Pawar
Bert-Jan van Beijnum
Arjan J. H. Peddemors
Aart van Halteren
Context-Aware Middleware Support for the Nomadic Mobile Services on Multi-homed Handheld Mobile Devices.
Hailiang Mei
Pravin Pawar
Ing Widya
Optimal Assignment of a Tree-Structured Context Reasoning Procedure onto a Host-Satellites System.
Cristian Hesselman
Andrew Tokmakoff
Pravin Pawar
Sorin M. Iacob
Discovery and Composition of Services for Context-Aware Systems.
Aart van Halteren
Pravin Pawar
Mobile Service Platform: A Middleware for Nomadic Mobile Service Provisioning.
Pravin Pawar
G. Nagaraja
Regular Grammatical Inference: A Genetic Algorithm Approach.