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Piyush Yadav
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2022
Publications (10 Years): 40
Top Topics
Aerial Imagery
Video Streams
Event Processing
Cognitive Architecture
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
IEEE Internet Things J.
Bhavya Jain
Abhiraj Singh
Amit Kumar
Piyush Yadav
S. Pratap Singh
Molecular Signaling under Different Transmitting Waveform for Applied Deployments.
Bharath Sudharsan
Panchakarla S. Rahul
Piyush Yadav
Suneet Kumar Gupta
Vimal Kumar
Duc-Duy Nguyen
Muhammad Intizar Ali
John G. Breslin
RIS-IoT: Towards Resilient, Interoperable, Scalable IoT.
Edward Curry
Dhaval Salwala
Praneet Dhingra
Felipe Arruda Pontes
Piyush Yadav
Multimodal Event Processing: A Neural-Symbolic Paradigm for the Internet of Multimedia Things.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (15) (2022)
Bharath Sudharsan
Simone Salerno
Piyush Yadav
John G. Breslin
Poster Abstract: Approach for Remote, On-Demand loading and Execution of TensorFlow Lite ML Models on Arduino IoT Boards.
Bharath Sudharsan
Dhruv Sheth
Shailesh Arya
Federica Rollo
Piyush Yadav
Pankesh Patel
John G. Breslin
Muhammad Intizar Ali
ElastiCL: Elastic Quantization for Communication Efficient Collaborative Learning in IoT.
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Edward Curry
VID-WIN: Fast Video Event Matching With Query-Aware Windowing at the Edge for the Internet of Multimedia Things.
IEEE Internet Things J.
8 (13) (2021)
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Felipe Pontes
Praneet Dhingra
Edward Curry
Query-Driven Video Event Processing for the Internet of Multimedia Things.
Proc. VLDB Endow.
14 (12) (2021)
Krishna Kant Singh
Piyush Yadav
Akansha Singh
Gaurav Dhiman
Korhan Cengiz
Cooperative spectrum sensing optimization for cognitive radio in 6 G networks.
Comput. Electr. Eng.
95 (2021)
Bharath Sudharsan
Simone Salerno
Duc-Duy Nguyen
Muhammad Yahya
Abdul Wahid
Piyush Yadav
John G. Breslin
Muhammad Intizar Ali
TinyML Benchmark: Executing Fully Connected Neural Networks on Commodity Microcontrollers.
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Bharath Sudharsan
Edward Curry
GNOSIS- query-driven multimodal event processing for unstructured data streams.
Middleware Demos/Posters
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Edward Curry
VID-WIN: Fast Video Event Matching with Query-Aware Windowing at the Edge for the Internet of Multimedia Things.
Dhaval Salwala
Piyush Yadav
Venkatesh G. Munirathnam
Suzanne Little
Noel E. O'Connor
Edward Curry
UrbanAccess: Query Driven Urban Analytics Platform for Detecting Complex Accessibility Event Patterns using Tactile Surfaces.
UrbanMM @ ACM Multimedia
Bharath Sudharsan
Piyush Yadav
John G. Breslin
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Train++: An Incremental ML Model Training Algorithm to Create Self-Learning IoT Devices.
Bharath Sudharsan
Piyush Yadav
John G. Breslin
Muhammad Intizar Ali
An SRAM Optimized Approach for Constant Memory Consumption and Ultra-fast Execution of ML Classifiers on TinyML Hardware.
Piyush Yadav
Dipto Sarkar
Dhaval Salwala
Edward Curry
Traffic Prediction Framework for OpenStreetMap Using Deep Learning Based Complex Event Processing and Open Traffic Cameras.
GIScience (I)
Bharath Sudharsan
Piyush Yadav
Duc-Duy Nguyen
Jefkine Kafunah
John G. Breslin
Ensemble Methods for Collective Intelligence: Combining Ubiquitous ML Models in IoT.
IEEE BigData
Dipto Sarkar
Piyush Yadav
Donut visualizations for network-level and regional-level overview of Spatial Social Networks.
Piyush Yadav
Kushaagra Maheshwari
Abhijeet Kumar Lal
Rajeev Agrawal
Network Planning for Deep Fading Area at 1.8 GHz LTE Network.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
116 (3) (2021)
Piyush Yadav
Dipto Sarkar
Shailesh Deshpande
Edward Curry
Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence Based Technique to Create Natural Features for OpenStreetMap.
Rahul Mishra
Piyush Yadav
Remi Calizzano
Markus Leippold
MuSeM: Detecting Incongruent News Headlines using Mutual Attentive Semantic Matching.
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Dibya Prakash Das
Edward Curry
Knowledge Graph Driven Approach to Represent Video Streams for Spatiotemporal Event Pattern Matching in Complex Event Processing.
Int. J. Semantic Comput.
14 (3) (2020)
Piyush Yadav
Edward Curry
Visual Semantic Multimedia Event Model for Complex Event Detection in Video Streams.
Piyush Yadav
Shamsuddin Ladha
Shailesh Deshpande
Edward Curry
Computational Model for Urban Growth Using Socioeconomic Latent Parameters.
Piyush Yadav
Edward Curry
VidCEP: Complex Event Processing Framework to Detect Spatiotemporal Patterns in Video Streams.
Piyush Yadav
Dipto Sarkar
Dhaval Salwala
Edward Curry
Traffic Prediction Framework for OpenStreetMap using Deep Learning based Complex Event Processing and Open Traffic Cameras.
Rahul Mishra
Piyush Yadav
Remi Calizzano
Markus Leippold
MuSeM: Detecting Incongruent News Headlines using Mutual Attentive Semantic Matching.
Piyush Yadav
Dhaval Salwala
Edward Curry
Knowledge Graph Driven Approach to Represent Video Streams for Spatiotemporal Event Pattern Matching in Complex Event Processing.
Piyush Yadav
Edward Curry
VEKG: Video Event Knowledge Graph to Represent Video Streams for Complex Event Pattern Matching.
Piyush Yadav
Dibya Prakash Das
Edward Curry
Data-Driven Windows to Accelerate Video Stream Content Extraction in Complex Event Processing.
Middleware Demos/Posters
Piyush Yadav
Shamsuddin Ladha
Shailesh Deshpande
Edward Curry
Feature Set Consolidation for Object Representation by Parts.
Piyush Yadav
Edward Curry
VidCEP: Complex Event Processing Framework to Detect Spatiotemporal Patterns in Video Streams.
IEEE BigData
Piyush Yadav
High-performance complex event processing framework to detect event patterns over video streams.
Middleware Doctoral Symposium
Piyush Yadav
Dibya Prakash Das
Edward Curry
State Summarization of Video Streams for Spatiotemporal Query Matching in Complex Event Processing.
Shailesh Deshpande
Piyush Yadav
Guneet Mutreja
P. Balamuralidhar
Spectral Library of Indian Urban Materials - OGC Compatible Web Services "Tarang".
Piyush Yadav
Rajeev Agrawal
Network Selection for Maximum Coverage using Regression Analysis in Deep Fading Environment.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
106 (3) (2019)
Piyush Yadav
Shamsuddin Ladha
Shailesh Deshpande
Edward Curry
Computational Model for Urban Growth Using Socioeconomic Latent Parameters.
Shailesh Deshpande
Arcot Sowmya
Piyush Yadav
Shamsuddin Ladha
Priyanka Verma
Karthikeyan Vaiapury
Jay Gubbi
P. Balamuralidhar
CogVis: attention-driven cognitive architecture for visual change detection.
Piyush Yadav
Souleiman Hasan
Adegboyega Ojo
Edward Curry
The Role of Open Data in driving Sustainable Mobility in Nine Smart Cities.
Shailesh Deshpande
Shamsuddin Ladha
Hemant Aggarwal
Piyush Yadav
Extraction of themes from aerial imagery using latent dirichlet allocation.
Piyush Yadav
Umair ul Hassan
Souleiman Hasan
Edward Curry
The Event Crowd: A Novel Approach for Crowd-Enabled Event Processing.
Piyush Yadav
Kejul Kalyani
Ravi Mahamuni
User Intention Mining: A Non-intrusive Approach to Track User Activities for Web Application.
ICSI (3)