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Peter S. Dayan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2020
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Clinical Decision Support
Heart Failure
Activity Theory
Top Venues
Nursing Informatics
Int. J. Medical Informatics
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
Appl. Clin. Inform.
Mustafa Ozkaynak
Noel Metcalf
Daniel M. Cohen
Larissa S. May
Peter S. Dayan
Rakesh Mistry
Considerations for Designing EHR-Embedded Clinical Decision Support Systems for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Pediatric Emergency Departments.
Appl. Clin. Inform.
11 (04) (2020)
Amir Homayoun Javadi
Eva Zita Patai
Eugenia Marin-Garcia
Aaron Margolis
Heng-Ru May Tan
Dharshan Kumaran
Marko Nardini
Will D. Penny
Emrah Düzel
Peter S. Dayan
Hugo J. Spiers
Prefrontal Dynamics Associated with Efficient Detours and Shortcuts: A Combined Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetoencenphalography Study.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
31 (8) (2019)
Howard S. Goldberg
Marilyn D. Paterno
Robert Grundmeier
Beatriz H. Rocha
Jeffrey Hoffman
Eric Tham
Marguerite Swietlik
Molly Schaeffer
Deepika Pabbathi
Sara Deakyne
Nathan Kuppermann
Peter S. Dayan
Use of a remote clinical decision support service for a multicenter trial to implement prediction rules for children with minor blunt head trauma.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
87 (2016)
Barbara Sheehan
Lise E. Nigrovic
Peter S. Dayan
Nathan Kuppermann
Dustin W. Ballard
Evaline Alessandrini
Lalit Bajaj
Howard Goldberg
Jeffrey Hoffman
Steven R. Offerman
Dustin G. Mark
Marguerite Swietlik
Eric Tham
Leah Tzimenatos
David R. Vinson
Grant S. Jones
Suzanne Bakken
Informing the design of clinical decision support services for evaluation of children with minor blunt head trauma in the emergency department: A sociotechnical analysis.
J. Biomed. Informatics
46 (5) (2013)
Barbara Sheehan
Lise E. Nigrovic
Peter S. Dayan
Nathan Kuppermann
Dustin W. Ballard
Evaline Alessandrini
Lalit Bajaj
Howard Goldberg
Jeffrey Hoffman
Steven R. Offerman
Dustin G. Mark
Marguerite Swietlik
Eric Tham
Leah Tzimenatos
David R. Vinson
An Activity Theory Based Analysis of Work Activities in the Emergency Department.
Nursing Informatics