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Petar Rajkovic
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Data Summarization
Development Processes
Software Development
Top Venues
Int. J. Medical Informatics
Petar Rajkovic
Andelija Dordevic
Dejan Aleksic
Dragan Jankovic
Usage of Modular Software Development for IoT Nodes - The Case Study.
Petar Rajkovic
Dejan Aleksic
Dragan Jankovic
The Implementation of Battery Charging Strategy for IoT Nodes.
Euro-Par Workshops
Petar Rajkovic
Andjelija Djordjevic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Dragan Jankovic
The Role of Resource Awareness in Medical Information System Life Cycle.
Petar Rajkovic
Dejan Aleksic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Andelija Dordevic
Resource Awareness in Complex Industrial Systems - A Strategy for Software Updates.
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Petar Rajkovic
Extensions and adaptations of existing medical information system in order to reduce social contacts during COVID-19 pandemic.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
141 (2020)
Petar Rajkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Dragan Jankovic
An Insight on Standardized Patterns in Model Driven Software Development.
Petar Rajkovic
Dejan Aleksic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Checking the potential shift to perceived usefulness - The analysis of users' response to the updated electronic health record core features.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
115 (2018)
Petar Rajkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Dragan Jankovic
The Overview on Information System Acceptance in Serbian Primary Care - The Case of Regional Center.
Petar Rajkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Case Study: Using Model Based Component Generator for Upgrade Projects.
Dejan Aleksic
Petar Rajkovic
Dusan Vuckovic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Data summarization method for chronic disease tracking.
J. Biomed. Informatics
69 (2017)
Petar Rajkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Adaption of medical information system's e-learning extension to a simple suggestion tool.
Petar Rajkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Combining Agile and Traditional Methodologies in Medical Information Systems Development Process.
Petar Rajkovic
Ivan Petkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Benefits of Using Domain Model Code Generation Framework in Medical Information Systems.
Petar Rajkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Using CQRS Pattern for Improving Performances in Medical Information Systems.
BCI (Local)
Petar Rajkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Developing and deploying medical information systems for Serbian public healthcare: Challenges, lessons learned and guidelines.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst.
10 (3) (2013)
Petar Rajkovic
Dragan Jankovic
Aleksandar Milenkovic
A software model of mobile notification system for medication misuse prevention.
Tatjana Stankovic
Srebrenko Pesic
Dragan Jankovic
Petar Rajkovic
Platform Independent Database Replication Solution Applied to Medical Information System.
ADBIS (Local Proceedings)
Tatjana Stankovic
Srebrenko Pesic
Dragan Jankovic
Petar Rajkovic
Platform Independent Database Replication Solution Applied to Medical Information System.
Tatjana Stankovic
Dragan Jankovic
Petar Rajkovic
Comprehensive Data Reporting Approach in Health Care Information Systems.