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Pedro F. Perez Arteaga
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2018
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Software As A Service
Multi Tenant
Computational Science
Transportation Problem
Top Venues
Pedro F. Perez Arteaga
Camilo Castellanos
Harold Castro
Darío Correal
Luis A. Guzmán
Yves Denneulin
Cost Comparison of Lambda Architecture Implementations for Transportation Analytics using Public Cloud Software as a Service.
Harold E. Castro
Mario Villamizar
Oscar Garces
Jose Perez
Rodolfo Caliz
Pedro F. Perez Arteaga
Facilitating the Execution of HPC Workloads in Colombia through the Integration of a Private IaaS and a Scientific PaaS/SaaS Marketplace.