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Pedro Cuesta
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Physical Activity
Heart Rate
Top Venues
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
Nicolás Vila Blanco
Leandro Rodríguez Liñares
Pedro Cuesta
María J. Lado
Arturo J. Méndez
Xosé Antón Vila-Sobrino
gVARVI: A graphical software tool for the acquisition of the heart rate in response to external stimuli.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
132 (2016)
Leandro Rodríguez Liñares
María J. Lado
Xosé Antón Vila-Sobrino
Arturo J. Méndez
Pedro Cuesta
gHRV: Heart rate variability analysis made easy.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
116 (1) (2014)
Leandro Rodríguez Liñares
Pedro Cuesta
Raúl Alonso
Arturo J. Méndez
María J. Lado
Xosé A. Vila
VARVI: A Software Tool for Analyzing the Variability of the Heart Rate in Response to Visual Stimuli.
Pedro Cuesta
Alma Gómez
Juan C. González
Francisco J. Rodríguez
Developing a Multiagent System for Mobile Devices.
Inteligencia Artif.
9 (25) (2005)
Pedro Cuesta
José B. García
José M. López
Roberto González
Metodología de Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información Distribuidos Basados en Tecnología Web.
Juan M. Corchado
Pedro Cuesta
Improving the Interoperability in Multi-agent Systems.
ECOOP Workshops