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Paul M. Danehy
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Coal Fired
Visualization Tools
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J. Vis.
Craig T. Johansen
Colin D. McRae
Paul M. Danehy
Emanuela C. A. Gallo
Luca M. L. Cantu
Gaetano Magnotti
Andrew D. Cutler
Robert D. Rockwell Jr.
Chris P. Goyne
James C. McDaniel
OH PLIF visualization of the UVa supersonic combustion experiment: configuration A.
J. Vis.
17 (2) (2014)
Rachel T. Johnson
Peter A. Parker
Douglas C. Montgomery
Andrew D. Cutler
Paul M. Danehy
Ray D. Rhew
Design strategies for response surface models for the study of supersonic combustion.
Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int.
25 (3) (2009)