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Patrick Schratz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2021
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Machine Learning
Spatial Data
Source Selection
Data Fusion
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
R J.
J. Open Source Softw.
Patrick Schratz
Jannes Muenchow
Eugenia Iturritxa
José Cortés
Bernd Bischl
Alexander Brenning
Monitoring Forest Health Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Does Feature Selection Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Techniques?
Remote. Sens.
13 (23) (2021)
Patrick Schratz
Marc Becker
Michel Lang
Alexander Brenning
Mlr3spatiotempcv: Spatiotemporal resampling methods for machine learning in R.
Kai Heckel
Marcel Urban
Patrick Schratz
Miguel D. Mahecha
Christiane Schmullius
Predicting Forest Cover in Distinct Ecosystems: The Potential of Multi-Source Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion.
Remote. Sens.
12 (2) (2020)
Michel Lang
Martin Binder
Jakob Richter
Patrick Schratz
Florian Pfisterer
Stefan Coors
Quay Au
Giuseppe Casalicchio
Lars Kotthoff
Bernd Bischl
mlr3: A modern object-oriented machine learning framework in R.
J. Open Source Softw.
4 (44) (2019)
Patrick Schratz
Jannes Muenchow
Eugenia Iturritxa
Jakob Richter
Alexander Brenning
Performance evaluation and hyperparameter tuning of statistical and machine-learning models using spatial data.
Jannes Muenchow
Patrick Schratz
Alexander Brenning
RQGIS: Integrating R with QGIS for Statistical Geocomputing.
R J.
9 (2) (2017)