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Omar Said
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2023
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Network Intrusion
Wireless Sensor
Traffic Monitoring
Top Venues
Comput. Commun.
IEEE Access
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
Omar Said
A bandwidth control scheme for reducing the negative impact of bottlenecks in IoT environments: Simulation and performance evaluation.
Internet Things
21 (2023)
Cong Peng
Min Luo
Pandi Vijayakumar
Debiao He
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
Multifunctional and Multidimensional Secure Data Aggregation Scheme in WSNs.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (4) (2022)
Omar Said
LBSS: A Lightweight Blockchain-Based Security Scheme for IoT-Enabled Healthcare Environment.
22 (20) (2022)
Omar Said
Design and performance evaluation of QoE/QoS-oriented scheme for reliable data transmission in Internet of Things environments.
Comput. Commun.
189 (2022)
Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi
Rajani Singh
Uttam Ghosh
Raghava Rao Mukkamala
Amr Tolba
Omar Said
Privacy preserving authentication system based on non-interactive zero knowledge proof suitable for Internet of Things.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
13 (10) (2022)
Vidyotma Thakur
Gaurav Indra
Nitin Gupta
Pushpita Chatterjee
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
Cryptographically secure privacy-preserving authenticated key agreement protocol for an IoT network: A step towards critical infrastructure protection.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.
15 (1) (2022)
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
DORS: A data overhead reduction scheme for hybrid networks in smart cities.
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
33 (12) (2020)
Fayez Alqahtani
Zafer Al-Makhadmeh
Amr Tolba
Omar Said
TBM: A trust-based monitoring security scheme to improve the service authentication in the Internet of Things communications.
Comput. Commun.
150 (2020)
Omar Said
Zafer Al-Makhadmeh
Amr Tolba
EMS: An Energy Management Scheme for Green IoT Environments.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Amr Tolba
Omar Said
Zafer Al-Makhadmeh
MDS: Multi-level decision system for patient behavior analysis based on wearable device information.
Comput. Commun.
147 (2019)
Fayez Alqahtani
Zafer Al-Makhadmeh
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
CMRS: A Classifier Matrix Recognition System for Traffic Management and Analysis in a Smart City Environment.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Yasser Albagory
Omar Said
Mostafa A. Nofal
Fahad Alraddady
An efficient traffic monitoring and control system using aerial platforms and vertical arrays.
Telecommun. Syst.
69 (1) (2018)
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
Design and performance evaluation of mixed multicast architecture for internet of things environment.
J. Supercomput.
74 (7) (2018)
Omar Said
Analysis, design and simulation of Internet of Things routing algorithm based on ant colony optimization.
Int. J. Commun. Syst.
30 (8) (2017)
Omar Said
Yasser Albagory
Mostafa A. Nofal
Fahad Al Raddady
IoT-RTP and IoT-RTCP: Adaptive Protocols for Multimedia Transmission over Internet of Things Environments.
IEEE Access
5 (2017)
Omar Said
Amr Tolba
Performance Evaluation of a Dual Coverage System for Internet of Things Environments.
Mob. Inf. Syst.
2016 (2016)
Yasser Albagory
Omar Said
Concentric Circular Arrays for Stratospheric High-Altitude Platforms Wireless Sensor Networks.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
81 (2) (2015)
Omar Said
Alaa Elnashar
Scaling of wireless sensor network intrusion detection probability: 3D sensors, 3D intruders, and 3D environments.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2015 (2015)
Omar Said
Performance evaluation of WSN management system for QoS guarantee.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2015 (2015)
Omar Said
Accurate Performance Evaluation of Internet Multicast Architectures: Hierarchical and Fully Distributed vs. Service-Centric.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst.
7 (9) (2013)