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Odd Steen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Comparative Study
Targeted Advertising
Disaster Management
Decision Support System
Top Venues
Central Eur. J. Oper. Res.
Odd Steen
Paul Pierce
Do IS Curricular Guidelines Match Employer Expectations in Swedish IS Job Ads?
Odd Steen
Paul Pierce
Swedish Undergraduate Information Systems Curricula: A Comparative Study.
Marion S. Rauner
Helmut Niessner
Odd Steen
Andrew Pope
Karen Neville
Sheila O'Riordan
Lisa Sasse
Kristina Tomic
An advanced decision support system for European disaster management: the feature of the skills taxonomy.
Central Eur. J. Oper. Res.
26 (2) (2018)
Odd Steen
Andrew Pope
Marion S. Rauner
Nicklas Holmberg
Simon Woodworth
Sheila O'Riordan
Helmut Niessner
Karen Neville
A Comprehensive Decision Support System for Enhanced Emergency Decision Management and Training.
Nicklas Holmberg
Odd Steen
Sven A. Carlsson
Service Orienting the Swedish Vaccination Recommendation Activity with the Business Rules Centric Digital Service VacSam.
Nicklas Holmberg
Odd Steen
Business Process and Business Rules Modelling in Concert for e-Service Design and Business Alignment.
Nicklas Holmberg
Odd Steen
Better Support for User Participation Using Business Rules Approach?
Sven A. Carlsson
Jonas Hedman
Odd Steen
Integrated Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems Design (BISD 2010).
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
26 (2010)
Sven A. Carlsson
Jonas Hedman
Odd Steen
Model Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science Program in Business Information Systems Design (BISD 2007): Organisational Impacts.
ISD (2)
Odd Steen
Practical knowledge and its importance for software product quality.
Inf. Softw. Technol.
49 (6) (2007)